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Maryland Manual, 1979-80
Volume 179, Page 265   View pdf image (33K)
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are designated A, B, C, D, and E. Any class li-
cense will authorize the licensee to operate
vehicles in that particular class, except E, provid-
ing the licensee meets the age requirements of the
several classes. The five classes are as follows:
Class A—Required to operate tractor-trailers;
Class B—Required to operate trucks over 20,000
pounds gross weight; Class C—Required to oper-
ate buses; Class D—Required to operate
automobiles, station wagons, and trucks up to
20,000 pounds gross weight; and Class E—Re-
quired to operate motorcycles.
Examinations are conducted at the Glen Bumie
Headquarters and at the Regional Offices in
Baltimore City, Chesapeake City, College Park,
Cumberland, Forestville, Hagerstown, Rockville,
Salisbury, and Waldorf. In addition, examining
and licensing teams conduct dnver examinations
at fourteen other locations throughout the State.
Three mobile van testing units are also used to
conduct Class A, B, and C tests at large trucking,
bus, or utility facilities, including fire departments
and schools. These vans are equipped to enable
the examiners to conduct vision screening, written
law tests, and to collect and account for the ap-
plicable fees.
Clifton E. Luber, Director
To make the Motor Vehicle Administration's
services more accessible to Maryland residents,
regional offices, in addition to the Glen Bumie
headquarters, are located at: Salisbury, Cumber-
land, Hagerstown, Rockville, Forestville, College
Park, Waldorf, Chesapeake City, and Baltimore
These branches offer a full range of services, in-
cluding vehicle registration, license review
hearings, driver rehabilitation clinics, title and
driver record information, and tag sales. All
offices except Baltimore City also conduct license
The locations of MVA regional and
headquarters offices, and other sources of infor-
mation useful to the public, are as follows:
Headquarters—Glen Bumie
Motor Vehicle Administration
6601 Ritchie Highway, N.E.
Glen Bumie 21062 Telephone: 768-7000
Cumberland Regional Office
Searstown Shopping Center

Route 53 Winchester Road
LaVale 21502 Telephone: 777-2154
Hagerstown Regional Office
237 E. Franklin Street
Hagerstown 21740 Telephone: 733-4300
Baltimore City Regional Office
Metro Plaza Building
Mondawmin Mall
2000 Mondawmin Concourse
Baltimore 21215 Telephone: 383-5880
Chesapeake City Regional Office
Route 213 South Chesapeake City
Chesapeake City 21915 Telephone: 885-5657
Rockville Regional Office
601 Southlawn Lane
Rockville 20850 Telephone: 424-1410
College Park Regional Office
5112 Berwyn Road
College Park 20740 Telephone: 345-6900
Forestville Regional Office
7801 Parston Drive
Forestville 20028 Telephone: 736-1000
Waldorf Regional Office
Rt. 301 and Garner Road
Waldorf 20601 Telephone: 645-2606
Salisbury Regional Office
Salisbury Shopping Center
Rt. 50 Comer Cypress Street
Salisbury 21801 Telephone: 749-1151
Driver License Application and Classified License
Telephone: 768-7591
Title and Registration Information
Telephone: 768-7471
License Renewal Information
Telephone: 768-7551
Change of Name and Address Information
Telephone: 768-7348
Thomas E. Widerman, Deputy Administrator
Richard Streif, Director

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Maryland Manual, 1979-80
Volume 179, Page 265   View pdf image (33K)
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