resource. The waters and adjacent lands are to be
preserved for their scenic and aesthetic qualities.
Scenic and wild rivers may be developed to ac-
commodate limited multiple uses; however, the
main objective is to designate streams that will
provide enjoyment for the general public through
a setting of natural solitude (Code Natural
Resources Article, sees. 8-401 through 8-404).
By Chapter 612, Acts of 1975, the Board
adopted its present name and had its membership
altered. "The Board appoints, with the advice and
consent of the local governing body, a local Sce-
nic and Wild River Advisory Board for each river
included within the scenic and wild river system.
Each local board consists of seven members of
whom at least two must be residents owning land
contiguous to the scenic or wild river, two must
be residents of the county where the river flows
and who do not own land contiguous to it, one
represents the local governing body, and two rep-
resent the appropriate soil conservation district.
Each local board selects its own chairperson and
reviews regulations pertaining to each river within
its jurisdiction. By Chapter 869, Acts of 1978,
provision was made for local advisory boards for
scenic or wild rivers that flow through more than
one county.
After completion of an approved management
plan, local jurisdictions, if they so desire, may es-
tablish local scenic river advisory boards to help
local government implement the plan (Chapter
962, Acts of 1978).
Chairperson:^. King Bumett, 1980
Vice-Chairperson.- William Minor Carter, 1979
Treasurer: Mrs. Thomas B. Eastman, 1980
Secretary: Herbert D. Momson, 1980
Trustees: John Murphy, 1980; Mrs. T. Hughlett
Henry, Jr., 1981; Edwin Wesely, 1981; George
S. Wills, 1981; Brice Clagett, 1982; Mrs.
Holger B. Jansson, 1982; Jarrett Power, 1982;
E. M. Risse, 1982.
David P. Miller, Director
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 383-4264
The Maryland Environmental Trust was creat-
ed by Chapter 648, Acts of 1967, to conserve,
improve, stimulate, and perpetuate the aesthetic,
natural health, scenic, and cultural qualities of
the Maryland environment. The Trust is also to
encourage the people of the State to appreciate
the environment and to promote the continuing
interest in and study of such matters.
The Trust consists of fifteen trustees, of whom
twelve were originally appointed by the Governor
by and with the advice and consent of the Senate
for terms varying from one to four years. As the
initial terms expired, the trustees elected the
successors for four-year terms. The Governor, the
President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the
House of Delegates serve as ex officio members.
The Commission selects its own officers, the Di-
rector of the Trust, and other employees as may
be necessary.
The Trust conducts other programs, including
the Conservation Easement Program.
Ex officio members: Constance Lieder, Secretary
of the Department of State Planning; James B.
Coulter, Secretary of the Department of Natural
The Program Open Space Committee, original-
ly created by Chapter 403, Acts of 1969, was re-
constituted by Chapter 626, Acts of 1972. The
Committee consists of nine appointed members
and two ex officio members. Of the appointed
members two represent the State Senate, three the
House of Delegates, and four the public at large.
The Secretary of the Department of State Plan-
ning and the Secretary of the Department of Nat-
ural Resources serve as ex officio members.
Members are appointed by the Governor and
serve indefinite terms.
The Committee was originally formed as the re-
sult of the issuance of a State loan known as the
Outdoor Recreation Land Loan of 1969, as
amended. It is to prepare and adopt an appor-
tionment formula relating to the percentage of the
total funds each subdivision shall be able to re-
ceive (Code Natural Resources Article, sees.
5-901 through 5-907).
Chairperson.' Merilyn Reeves, 1982
Dr. Wallace C. Harding, Jr., 1979; Ronald L.
Johnson, 1979; Dr. Max Eisenberg, 1980-,