the Council formulates policies for the overall ap-
prenticeship program, formulates and adopts
standards of apprenticeship that safeguard the
welfare of apprentices, registers apprentices under
approved apprenticeship agreements, provides
guidance and counsel on the establishment of
other forms of on-the-job training, and performs
such other functions as the Governor may direct
or as may come within the scope of the Council
(Code 1957, Art. 89, sees. 50-56).
Chairperson: James B. Bullock, 1982
Ex officio member: Harvey A. Epstein, Commis-
sioner of Labor and Industry
Appointed members: John J. Barranger, 1981;
Thomas S. Patterson, 1981; William M.
Goodwin, 1980; A. L. Penniman, Jr., 1980;
Charles H. Shreeve, Jr., 1980; Russell 1.
Mullican, 1982
203 East Baltimore Street
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 383-2257
The Board of Boiler Rules, originally
established by Chapter 676, Acts of 1920, had its
membership enlarged by Chapter 430, Acts of
1969, and by Chapter 732, Acts of 1973.
The new Board is composed of seven members
appointed by the Governor with the advice of the
Secretary of Licensing and Regulation and with
the advice and consent of the Senate. Of the
appointed members, one must represent the
owners and users of power boilers, one must rep-
resent the owners and users of heating boilers,
one must represent the owners and users of pres-
sure vessels, one must represent the
manufacturers or assemblers of boilers or pressure
vessels, one must represent a company licensed to
insure boilers or pressure vessels, one must be a
mechanical engineer on the faculty of a recog-
nized engineering college, and one must be a li-
censed professional engineer having boiler or
pressure vessel experience.
The Board formulates definitions, rules, and
regulations for the safe construction, use, installa-
tion, maintenance, repair, and inspection of
boilers and pressure vessels for sale or for use in
Maryland (Code 1957, Art. 48, sees. 167-180).
Chairperson: Peggy Rothschild, 1981
Representing the employment agencies: Donald
Michael Boswell, 1981; Michael J. Ames, 1979;
Arnold Goldberger, 1980
Representing the general public: Albert Kaufman,
1981; Norman Kolodner, 1979; Vera Le Cato,
203 East Baltimore Street
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 383-6430
The Employment Agency Advisory Board,
established by Chapter 431, Acts of 1969,
consists of seven members appointed by the
Commissioner of Labor and Industry with the
approval of the Secretary of Licensing and Regu-
lation for four-year terms. Three members repre-
sent employment agencies, while four represent
the general public. The Secretary of Licensing
and Regulation designates one of the public
members to serve as the Chairperson.
The Board assists the Commissioner of Labor
and Industry in the formulation of rules and
regulations applying to the licensing, regulation,
and inspection of private, fee-charging employ-
ment agencies, including theatrical agencies that
operate in Maryland (Code 1957, Art. 56, sees.
Chairperson: Herbert Goldstein, 1983
Employer Representatives: Wilfred M. Seaborne,
1983; William F. Holin, 1981
Employee Representatives: Thomas M. Bradley,
1979; Alma P. Bell, 1981; Vacancy
Public members: Frederic A. Jackson, 1979; Vic-
tor A. Pyles III, 1979; Mrs. Sherman Ross,
203 East Baltimore Street
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 383-2252
The Minimum Wage Advisory Committee,
established by Chapter 697, Acts of 1965,
consists of nine members appointed by the Secre-
tary of Licensing and Regulation with the ap-
proval of the Governor for six-year terms. Three
of the appointed members are representatives of
employees and three represent the general public.
One of the public representatives is designated by
the Secretary of Licensing and Regulation as
Chairperson. The Committee assists the Commis-
sioner of Labor and Industry in the formulation