Hygiene; Vacancy, Secretary of Economic and
Community Development; David W. Hombeck,
State Department of Education; Antonio Suarez-
Simon, ex offlcio; Dr. Carl T. Richards, ex officio.
Special Assistant to the Governor: Dr. Carl T.
Carlos E. Anzoategui, Executive Director
Globe Building, Suite 404
817 Silver Spring Avenue
Silver Spring 20910 Telephone: 565-3211
The Governor appointed the members of the
Commission on the Concerns of Spanish-Speaking
People in 1971 by Executive Order because of the
large and growing number of Spanish-speaking
people in Maryland and the need for an agency
within the State to plan and evaluate programs,
policy, and legislation relating to the Spanish-
speaking population in Maryland. "The Commis-
sion, renamed the Governor's Commission on
Hispanic Affairs by Executive Order in December
1978, .consists of fifteen members appointed by
the Governor with the advice of the Secretary of
Human Resources. Members serve for three-year
terms. The chairman and vice-chairman are
elected by the membership for one-year terms.
Members serve without compensation but are re-
imbursed for their actual expenses incurred in the
performance of their duties.
The Commission evaluates programs and
services of the State government as they directly
affect the Spanish-speaking population of Mary-
land and assists in planning new programs to
meet the needs of Hispanics in the State.
Chairperson:Shosban& S. Cardin, 1979
Vice-Chairperson: Kathleen M. Carter, 1979
David M. Dean, 1979; Jill Moss Greenberg, 1979;
Dolores J. Snyder, 1979; Emily Taylor, 1979;
Hattie N. Hamson, 1980; Stewart B. Oneglia,
1980; Betty Pike, 1980; Esther S. Vines, 1980;
Lindsay Schlottman Waite, 1980; Diane H.
Weaver, 1980; Barbara J. A. Gordon, 1981;
Winifred G. Helmes, 1981; Barbara Osborn
Kreamer, 1981; Elizabeth S. Morrison, 1981;
Jo-Ann Orlinsky, 1981; Octavene H. Saunders,
1981; Bernita Fuller, 1982; Dixie J. Miller,
1982; Ada R. Pena, 1982; Thomas D.
Washbume, 1982; Robert A. Jacques, 1982;
Ann C Stockett. 1982.
Sheila G. Winett, Executive Director
1100 N. Eutaw Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-5608
The Commission was originally appointed by
the Governor in 1965 as the Governor's Commis-
sion on the Status of Women to develop to its
fullest extent the potential of the women of
Maryland. The Commission was reactivated in
1968 as the Maryland Commission on the Status
of Women as part of a continuing effort to pro-
mote human understanding and to solve the
pressing social problems that confront the State
and the nation.
The Governor directed the Commission to re-
view the recommendations of the previous Com-
mission in the areas of education, employment,
community, and civic participation, and to take
steps to implement those most pertinent. The
Commission also was directed to seek the cooper-
ation of existing organizations on the State and
local levels in identifying problems and to work
toward increasing the opportunities for women to
serve in a variety of fields.
By Chapter 57, Acts of 1971, the Commission
on the Status of Women became a statutory
agency and was assigned to the Department of
Human Resources. The Commission adopted its
present name by Chapter 119, Acts of 1976. The
Commission consists of twenty-four members, all
appointed by the Governor from among persons
interested in the improvement of the status of
women. Its membership includes both men and
women and represents all fields of interest to
women, all age groups, and every geographical
region of the State. Members serve four-year
terms and may be reappointed to one additional
Chairperson: Leon Johnson, President, Tri-County
Migrant Committee
Cooperative Extension Service
P. 0. Box 177
University of Maryland
Princess Anne 21853 Telephone: 651-1350
At the request of the General Assembly, the
Governor created this permanent Committee in
1959 to develop and recommend standards to en-
sure that out-of-state farm laborers shall be
imported, maintained, and employed in Maryland