Chairperson: Vacancy
The State Manpower Planning Office was creat-
ed by Executive Order on July 1, 1976, as an agen-
cy of the Department of Human Resources to ad-
minister appropriate sections of the Comprehensive
Employment and Training Act of 1973 (CETA), P.
L. 93-203. CETA replaced in principle the expired
Manpower Development and Training Act
(MDTA), the Economic Opportunity Act (EOA),
the Emergency Employment Act (EEA), and the
Cooperative Area Manpower Planning System
Created to serve the unemployed, underem-
ployed, and economically disadvantaged segment
of the general work force, the Comprehensive Em-
ployment and Training Act provides funds directly
to all eligible units of government (prime sponsors)
to implement manpower programs. Such programs
include adult and youth work experience, vocation-
al classroom training in demand occupational
areas, public service employment, summer youth
employment, on-the-job training in the private and
public sectors, and supportive client services, such
as outreach and intake, client assessment and job
counseling, job development, and matching job
applicants with available positions. State govern-
ment is the prime sponsor for the counties of the
Eastern Shore and Southern Maryland. All other
areas of the State fall under the jurisdiction of local
county or city governments. The State Manpower
Planning Office has the responsibility for meeting
all federal grant application requirements for the
CETA program operated by the State prime spon-
sor and for implementing the State prime sponsor
programs at the local level. As part of the federal
grant requirements, the State Manpower Planning
Office provides staff support for the State Man-
power Planning Council, which is appointed by the
Governor. The Council convenes to review and
make recommendations on manpower plans devel-
oped with CETA funds for the Eastern Shore and
Southern Maryland counties. The chairperson of
the State Manpower Planning Council is appointed
by the Governor and acts on his behalf in all
matters relevant to State prime sponsorship.
The State Manpower Planning Office also has
the responsibility for meeting all federal grant
requirements and for implementing all plans u^der
the CETA Special Grant to the Governor for voca-
tional education and statewide manpower services.
Vocational Education services for the Special
Grant are developed by the State Department of
Education and prime sponsors through jointly
developed non-financial agreements. These non-fi-
nancial agreements are submitted to the State
Manpower Planning Office for review and
funding by the chairperson of the State Manpow-
er Services Council. Generally speaking, vocation-
al services are classroom training in occupational
areas that are in demand in local labor markets.
Funds for statewide manpower services are also
allocated under the Special Grant to provide ad-
ministrative or client services that are better
served from the State perspective. Frequently
these funds are utilized to fund experimental
programs or projects that will enhance the coop-
eration and coordination of all manpower and
manpower-related programs in the State. As part
of the federal requirements of the Special Grant
to the Governor, the State Manpower Planning
Office also serves as staff support to the State
Manpower Services Council. The Council is an
advisory body appointed \>y the Governor to re-
view the plans of all prime sponsors and man-
power and manpower-related agencies and to
make recommendations on the coordination of all
manpower efforts in the State. The chairperson of
the State Manpower Services Council is
appointed by the Governor and acts on his behalf
to fulfill all federal requirements under Sections
206 and 207 of CETA.
In connection with its administrative role in
statewide programs, the State Manpower Plan-
ning Office also is responsible for all State agency
public service employment positions funded by
local prime sponsors. The State Manpower Plan-
ning Office enters into various contractual
arrangements for public service employees with
prime sponsors and makes arrangements for the
development of appropriate State public service
jobs, for the allocation of positions to State agen-
cies, and for the certification, recruitment, and se-
lection of personnel.
Chairman: T)on\.& DeLemos Down, 1981
Vice-Chairman: A.unlio F. Goicochea, 1981
Fred S. Anderson, 1980; Dr. Jorge A. Giro, 1980;
Jorge A. Hernandez, 1980; Dr. Juana
Hernandez, 1980; Blanca M. Westgate, 1980;
Rev. Puro de Jesus Juarbe, 1981; Alcides Pin-
to, 1981; Judith C. Toth, 1981; Bruce C.
Bereano, 1982; Esther Cueto, 1982; Jacobo
Mirkin, 1982; David Montoya, 1982; Louis E.
Queral, M.D„ 1982; Kalman R. Hettleman,
Secretary of Human Resources; Charles R.
Buck, Jr., Secretary of Health and Mental