"The Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene is also responsible for the direction and coordination
of numerous boards, commissions, and various citizen advisory groups. The Board of Review, whose
seven members are appointed by the Governor, serves in an advisory capacity and hears appeals as
provided by law (Code 1957, Art. 26, sees. 301, 314-316, 401-402; Art. 41, sees. 59C-59L; Art. 43,
sees. IF-1005; Art. 43B, sees. IA-22; Art. 52A, sees. 2-23; Art. 59, sees. 2-54; Art. 59A, sees. 1-37).
Chairperson:'M.a.^y Hemelt, 1981
Vice-Chairperson:'Pa.v^{ M. Vettori, 1982
Secretary:J. Patrick Jarboe 1982
Alice Pinderhughes, 1980; Harold F. Wolff, 1980;
William H. Isaac, 1981; Dr. Ross Z. Pierpont,
1981; William H. Cockran, Jr., 1982; Phillip S.
Thompson, 1982.
Created by Chapter 77, Acts of 1969 (Code
1957, Art. 41, sees. 206-206C).
Bernard A. Carpenter, Jr., Director
201 West Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-7130
The Management Staff performs department-
wide functions of planning, budgeting, fiscal and
grants administration, research and program eval-
uation, and personnel management.
Charles L. France, Director of Administration
Joseph H. Murray, Director of Administration
201 West Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2840
The Office of Service Operations provides ad-
ministrative services and support to the program
activities of the Department. The Office reports to
the Deputy Secretary and supervision is provided
through two Directors of Administration. One Di-
rector supervises General Accounting, Cost Ac-
counting, Data Systems, Recoveries, and
Collections. The second Director is responsible for
the Center for Health Statistics; Capital Budget,
Engineering and Maintenance; Manpower Devel-
opment and Training; Management Engineering
and Audit; Support Services; and Dietetic Services.
Division of Vital Records
Pinkney McCready, Registrar of Vital Records
P. 0. Box 13146
201 West Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-3385
Within the Center for Health Statistics is the Di-
vision of Vital Records. The Division is responsible
for registration of all births, deaths, marriages, and
divorces that occur in the State. It issues copies of
birth, death, and marriage records to authorized
persons for a fee of $2.00 per copy (checks to be
made payable to the Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene).
The Division has birth and death records for
Baltimore City beginning January 1, 1875, and for
the twenty-three counties of Maryland beginning
August 1898. Marriage registration began on June
1, 1951, and divorce registration began in June
1961. For all marriages prior to June 1951 and for
all divorces, regardless of the year, copies may be
obtained from the clerk of the Circuit Court in the
county where the event occurred.
Joseph R. Noll, Director
201 West Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-6197
The Office of Regulatory Services was
established in November 1975 as a result of a
major reorganization of the Department of
Health and Mental Hygiene. The Director of
Regulatory Services coordinates and/or directs
the regulatory units of the Department, which
include Health Planning and Development, Li-
censing and Certification, various boards and
commissions, and the Health Services Cost Re-
view Commission. The Office of Regulatory
Services is also responsible for implementation
of policies and directives regarding equal oppor-
tunity and employment through the Offices of
Community Relations and Title VI Compliance,
with emphasis on federally-mandated field
inspections. Hearings and regulations for the en-
tire Department are also coordinated and super-
vised through this office.