The Division administers Maryland's
Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)
development program and grant process to ensure
full use of available ARC resources designed to
stimulate economic and community development
projects and activities in Western Maryland.
To facilitate liaison with the three western
counties of the State, the Division maintains the
Department's Western Maryland Regional
Development Office in Hagerstown.
The Division undertakes responsibilities for the
Department as the designated State agency for
coordination of Economic Development Admin-
istration (EDA) programs in Maryland through
assistance aimed at implementation of an
Economic Development Planning Program. It
coordinates the submission of development
projects for funding by EDA.
The Division also carries out responsibilities for
the Department as the Governor's designated State
liaison agency with the U, S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development for imple-
mentation of the Federal Community Development
Block Grant Program in Maryland. Direct technical
assistance is provided to local governments and
regional organizations to help them develop
program plans and applications for Block Grant
funds. In addition, the Division assists local
governments in obtaining Departmental housing-
related resources to complement local programs
using Federal Block Grant funds.
The Division serves as the Department's liaison
with the U. S. Department of Agriculture rural
housing and development programs, which
provide resources relevant to Maryland's local
and regional development activities.
Robert Sobus, Director
2525 Riva Road
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2144
The Division of Public Affairs (formerly the
Division of News and Publications) was created in
July 1974 to expand the Department's liaison with
representatives of the general, industrial, and other
news media and with public relations personnel of
business and industry and other groups located in
Maryland. The Division's primary objective is to
create a better public understanding of
Department programs. It strives to accomplish
this through an outflow of information to
representatives of the news media, publication of
Maryland Magazine, and production of many
Departmental publications, including the
Directory of Maryland Manufacturers (biennially,
even years), and the Directory of Science Resources
for Maryland (biennially, odd years), Directory of
Maryland Exporters-Importers (triennially). The
Division also produces appropriate audio-visual
exhibits and presentations in support of or in
conjunction with Departmental activities. It also
coordinates all paid advertising by the
Robert M. Sparks, Director
2525 Riva Road
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2120
The Division of Administrative Services was
established by order of the Secretary in April
1976 to integrate several essential support services
for the Department. It provides advice, guidance,
and technical support to the Department's senior
program directors and operating components in
various areas of administrative management, and
serves as the primary focus of responsibility for
the following: development, monitoring, and
evaluation of program plans; development of
Departmental budget proposals and projections;
maintenance of fund accounts; and purchasing of
products and services required for the conduct of
Departmental activities. The Division also
provides comprehensive mail room services,
maintains liaison with building management to
assure proper repair and upkeep of grounds and
facilities, and monitors use of Departmental
motor vehicles.
Benjamin L. Hackerman, Director
2525 Riva Road
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2875
The Maryland Housing Fund was established
by Chapter 669, Acts of 1971. "The primary aim
of the Housing Fund is to stimulate home
ownership for those of various income levels. The
General Assembly found that the flow of private
investment capital into the home financing sector
of the housing industry could be stimulated by a
mortgage program that would insure qualified
lending institutions against losses. "Die Fund is
backed by $30,000,000 in State general obligation
bonds and is operated through many lending
institutions in the State (Code 1957, Art. 41,