P. P. Fnicht, Director
Korhan Berzeg, Associate Director
Jack J. Tawil, Chief, Office of Project and Sectoi
Robert P. Goodman, Chief, Power Plant Siting
Neil M. Shpritz, Chief, Statistical Information
2525 Riva Road
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3629
The Division of Research was created to pro-
vide analytical support for economic policy-mak-
ing and development planning. It also collects
and maintains a data base for the research needs
of the Department, other government agencies,
and the private sector. This data base is continu-
ously refined and is currently being automated.
The Division is responsible for various ad hoc re-
search projects of the Department and for repre-
senting the Department on numerous statewide
committees and task forces, in addition to prepar-
ing and, in some cases, presenting testimony on
behalf of the Department.
The Office of Project and Sector Studies is pri-
marily responsible for producing an annual analy-
sis of the performance of the State economy. This
study is concerned with the behavior and
interrelationships among major economic data se-
ries over time such as employment by industry,
by skill, and by sub-State region. The main pur-
pose of this effort is to provide quantitative and
analytical bases for economic policy-making
and development planning. The results and
recommendations of this analysis are presented
each spring in a report on the preceding year.
This Office is also responsible for responding to
the research needs of the other Divisions in the
Department. Analyses of specific aspects of the
State economy are conducted, the approach being
primarily micro in character. The purpose of
these studies is to provide a sound basis for in-
dustrial and community development planning.
The Power Plant Siting and Research Program
directs the Department's Research Division to
cooperate with the Department of Natural
Resources in a program that includes, among
other things, provisions for estimating and moni-
toring the economic effects of operating electric
power facilities in the State.
The Office of Statistical Information Services is
primarily responsible for gathering and compiling
technical information. It functions as an informa-
tion center for economic and statistical data and
serves as a major contact point between the State
Government and the sources of such data, which
include the U.S. Bureau of the Census, the U.S.
Department of Commerce, the Federal Reserve
Districts, trade associations, non-profit or-
ganizations, and various State and local
organizations. The Office converts basic informa-
tion into compilations specifically designed for
business, industry, and the general public, and
prepares monthly a series of economic indicators,
as well as a short appraisal of the economic situa-
tion in Maryland for the Office of the Governor.
John B. Moore, Jr., Director
2525 Riva Road
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2150
The Division of Local and Regional Develop-
ment was established in July 1976 to provide
more effective management and coordination of
the Department's assistance to local gov-
ernments and regional organizations in their
efforts to develop and implement economic de-
velopment, housing, and historical-cultural
programs. In cooperation with local officials,
the Division also provides training and manage-
ment systems assistance aimed at strengthening
the management capacity of local units of gov-
In providing assistance, the Division places pri-
mary emphasis on those local or regional
programs for which the Department can deliver
specific resources and/or on programs for which
the Department is capable of obtaining or coordi-
nating use of related State and federal resources.
The Division helps local-and regional officials
identify development problems or issues, assess
alternative courses of action, design specific ac-
tion programs, and obtain Department, other
State, and federal resources useful in imple-
menting development programs.
As a clearinghouse for Departmental services
to sub-State units of government, the Division
coordinates State and local involvement with a
number of federal programs related to economic
development, housing, and historical-cultural