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Maryland Manual, 1977-78
Volume 178, Page 559   View pdf image (33K)
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1980; Morton J. Owrutsky, 1980; Emil Ger-
mans, 1981; Richard E. Marchant, 1981; Da-
vid W. Price, Sr„ 1982; Ralph E. Shaw, 1982.
Under Apprenticeship and Training Council,
read Edwin K. Legg, 1979, instead of William
T. Haycraft.
p. 236 Under Land Reclamation Committee,
read James M. Coffroth, 1978. instead of
Robert C. Harvey.
p. 253 Under Regional Planning Council,
members appointed by the Governor, read Le-
roy L. Conaway instead of Frank J. Hutchins.
Change Thomas J. Ellwood to read. Director,
Community Services Planning. Add the name
of Philip S. Clayton, Director, Development
p. 287 Under Commission on Aging, read
Wilbur S. King. 1979, instead of Vacancy.
p. 306 Under Governor's Science Advisory
Council, read Mitchell A. Kapland, Chairman.
and Julius H. Taylor, Vice Chairman. Delete
the names of John F. Clark, Coleman Raphael,
Charles E. Renn, and P. L. Veltman. Seymour
D. Silver and Martin Meyerson continue as
members of the Council. Add the names of
Howard Hagler, Darrell W. Halligan, Harold
D. Palmer, and Robert J. Thompson, Jr.
The proposed Constitutional Amendment
(Chapter 543. Acts of 1976) regarding the
Governor's Salary Commission was ratified by
the voters at the election held in November,
1976 (Const. 1867, Art. II, sees. 1A,21,21A).
p. 318 Under Board of Trustees, Morgan
State University, add the name of Andre M.
Carrington, 1977.
p. 321 Under District No. 5, District Ad-
visory Boards for Public Defender System,
read Ernest A. Loveless, Jr., instead of Ralph
W. Powers.
p. 325 Under State Scholarship Board, read
Sheila M. Tolliver, 1981, instead of Mrs. John
E. Hess.
Under Board of Visitors, Maryland Schools
for the Deaf, read Mrs. Robert Cameron in-
stead of Boyce R. Williams.
p. 340 Under Maryland State Advisory Coun-
cil on Vocational Technical Education, read
William E. Schweitzer, Jr., 1979, instead of
Edwin K. Legg.
p. 345 Under Workmen's Compensation Fund
Board, the terms of all members expire in
1979 instead of 1980.
p. 349 The members of the Governor's Com-
mittee to Promote Employment of the Handi-
capped are as follows:
J. Donn Aiken, George Bowler, Vincent Bram-
mer, Nancy Brooks, Fred Burdette, Hugh Bur-
gess, John Cobun, B. Stanley Cohen, Robert
C. Dockendorf, Vachel A. Downes, Jr., B.
Richmond Dudley, William Dulany, Irene
Duncan, William Baltzer Fox, Mrs. Harry
Friedman, Gailord C. Hicks, Harvey E. Ket-
tering II, William W. Lamprell, William C.
Litsinger, Donald Loeschke, William F. Neal,
John E. Nolan, Helen Nussear. Franklin A.
Owens, Jr., Eric G. Peacher, T. Howard Price,
Jr., Chuck Richards, Aubrey D. Richardson,
Mrs. William F. Robie, Barry Scher, Raymond
H. Simmons, Elizabeth S. Smith, M. Eugene
Spurrier, John F. Strahan, Edward P. Thomas,
Jr., David Thompson, Robert C. Thompson.
Mrs. Paul Wolman.
p. 356 Add the following commission:
Chairman: 1. Michael McWilliams
John W. Beckley, Esther Eddington, William
A. Franch, James J. Lombardi, Robert H.
Reinhart, Stuart H. Rome, Russell Stewart.
Department of Transportation
Baltimore 21240 Telephone: 768-9250
The Governor appointed the members of
this Council in 1976 pursuant to the Legal
Services Corporation Act of 1974. The Coun-
cil is to notify the Corporation of any ap-
parent violation of the Act and to provide the
Corporation with suggestions as to the best
manner to provide high quality legal assistance
to the poor and other matters deemed advis-
able by the Council. Members serve for one-
year terms.
p. 359 By a Constitutional Amendment rati-
fied by the voters in 1976 (Chapter 546, Acts
of 1976), the Chief Judge of the Court of
Appeals, upon the majority approval of the
Court of Appeals, now has the authority to
assign temporarily any former judges, except
a former judge of the Orphans' Court to sit
temporarily in any State Court, except an
Orphans' Court (Const. 1867, Art. IV, sec.
pp. 359, 361 By a Constitutional Amendment
ratified by the voters in 1976 (Chapter 551,
Acts of 1975), an Appellate Court Judge,
unless he is serving an elected term or has
reached the age of seventy years, will serve for
a ten-year term. At the end of his term, the
voters will vote only upon his retention in
office (Const. 1867, Art. IV, sees. 5, 5A, 11,
14, 18B).
p. 363 By a Constitutional Amendment rati-
fied by the voters in 1976 (Chapter 542, Acts
of 1976), the First and Second Circuits must
have at least one resident judge in each
county. These judges are now to be elected by

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Maryland Manual, 1977-78
Volume 178, Page 559   View pdf image (33K)
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