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Maryland Manual, 1977-78
Volume 178, Page 531   View pdf image (33K)
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Veditz, Harry A. 222
Veltman, P. L. 306
Veltre, Francis 185
Venetoulis, Theodore 0. 253, 352, 395,
Vergara, William C. 306
Vick, Ashley 393
Vickers. Bartus O. 419
Viessman, Warren 182
Vincent, H. Edward 345
Vincent, Mark 397
Vines, Esther S. 205
Vinton, Stanley 219
Vinzant, M. Graham 396
Virts, C. Clifton 32, 46, 96
Virts, Edgar C., Jr. 410,411
Vislosky, Andrew M. 378, 426
Vlaanderen, Russell 303
Vogel, R. Douglas 431
Vogel, Robert M. 149
Vogelberger, Peter J„ Jr. 138
Volk, Michael 1. 46
Volman, Jerry 407
Voss, James M. 401
Votta, John J. 417
Vricella, Gerard F. 424
Wachter, Ralph E. 399
Wade, L. Ronald 409
Wade, Richard H. 394
Wade, Mrs. William C. 185
Wagaman, Charles F., Jr. 32, 46, 47, 96
Wageley, Paul A. 262, 264
Wagner, Claude, Jr. 413
Wagner, Helen 419
Wagner, Henry, Jr. 195
Wagner, Michael J. 37,46,96,314
Wagner, Peter E. 306, 333
Wagner, Susan Ann 460
Wagoner, William 206,429
Wahbe. Vladimir A. 49,106,116,206,
Waingold, George 390
Wainwright, Mrs. Ronny A. 455
Walbert. Norris J. 155
Walder, B. Daniel 444
Waldrnan.Alan E. 180
Waldron, Richard V. 366, 423
Waldrop, Fred E. 368, 395
Wales, George F. 445
Wales, James M. 371
Walker, Grover K, 130, 423
Walker, Harry F. 287
Walker, Jesse J. 413
Walker, Larry E. 421
Walker, Raymond 390
Walker, Thomas N. 1 80
Walker, W. Aubrey 434
Walker, W. Gordon 1 89
Walker, Wilbert L. 201
Walkup, Mary 460
Wall, Thomas 439
Wallace, Donald K. 424
Wallace, Jody 427
Wallace, Lester 311
Wallis, W.Robert 216
Walls, Robert H. 445
Walsh, Frank B. 321
Walsh, Gerald R. 351
Walsh, Larry 253
Walsh, Lawrence J. 397
Walsh, Mary Ann 1 84
Walsh, William 306, 322, 370
Walter, Carl C. 408
Walter, Harry C. 130, 407
Walter, Paul 119,167
Walters, Elmer Elmo 40, 46, 97
Walters, Henry P. 321
Walton, Robert L. 333
Wampler, Atlee 403
Wandling, A. M. 463
Ward, Carl Pete 458
Ward, Dallas S. 372
Ward, Mrs. Edwin 399
Ward, F. Prescott 229
Ward, George B. P. 181
Ward, Helen Sue 206, 431
Ward, Hugh W., Jr. 443
Ward, Jeffrey L. 366,421
Ward, John J., Jr. 404
Ward, John R. 399
Ward, John X. 35, 46, 97
Ward, Joyce A. 400
Ward, Kathryn S. 404
Ward, Mary Ann 432
Ward, Maurice S. 463
Ward, Michael D. 439, 459
Ward, Mrs. Richard 439
Ward, Russell 432
Ward, Sue 425
Ward, Thomas E. 431
Ward, Wilbur F., Jr. 400
Warfield, Charles 1. 187
Warfield, Edwin, III 88n, 107, 316
Warfield, Gordon 130
Warfield, Mrs. Gordon 184
Warfield, H. Branch 201
Warfield, J.Gordon, Jr. 418
Warfield, John C. 277
Warfield, Maxine 417
Waring, Henry Thomas 372
Warman, Lynn T. 416
Warmouth, Roberts 407
Warner, George 186
Warner, James E. 434
Warner, Reese W. 224
Warr, Jesse J., Jr. 425
Warren, Richard D. 436
Warwick, Gerald 401
Warwick, Earl G. 431,432
Washington, Susan 407
Washington, Vivian E. 329

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Maryland Manual, 1977-78
Volume 178, Page 531   View pdf image (33K)
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