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Maryland Manual, 1977-78
Volume 178, Page 530   View pdf image (33K)
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Touhey, T. Joseph 314,321,392
Towers, Thomas A. 189
Towler, Ruth H. 404
Towner, Benjamin W. 414
Townsend, Frank 463
Townsend, Nelson E. 297
Townsend, Lee 438
Townshend, Howard A., Jr. 408
Townshend, Wilfred H. 333
Toye, Thornton 399
Traband.R.A. 416
Tracey, John C. 366, 421
Tracey, Richard W. 396
Trader, Harriet 195, 201
Trail, Irwin P. 329
Trainor, Richard H. 248
Tranter, Jack C. 119
Traurig, Harry J. 262
Travers, Calvin 408
Travers, William W. 371
Travisano, Anthony P. 264
Tregor, Charles H. 193
Tressler, Charles H. 444
Treuth, Vernon L. 132
Trever. Margaret 433
Trice, Jean 400
Trimble, William C., Jr. 100
Trimmer, Donald L. 410
Trimper, Daniel, IV 439
Trippe, Henry V. 433
Trott, Robert 436
Trotter, Decatur W. 36, 46, 95
Trout, Dennis L. 423
Troy, Chester A., ST. 349
Trueman, H. Gordon 398, 399
Trueschler, Bernard C. 257
Truffer, Charles G. 393
Truitt, Alfred T., Jr. 321, 408,
Truitt, Charles J., Jr. 464
Truitt, Dallas G. 291
Truitt, Gerald B„ Jr. 130
Truitt, James 305,431
Truitt, James F. 119,245
Truly, Edward E. 460
Trumbauer, Joseph W. 432
Trump, Benjamin 194
Trytten, Merriam H. 324
Tublin, Ira N. 189
Tubman, J. Roland 238
Tubman, William Willis, Jr. 457
Tucker, Mrs. Ernest 433
Tucker, Sharon K. 119
Tucker, Sterling 341
Tull, Charles Edward Biddie 431,432
Tully, Edwin R. 257,274,314,353
Tumbusch, Wilfred T. 174
Turk, Morris 363
Turnage, Raleigh, Jr. 456
Turnbull, John Grason 353
Turner, B. Hackett, Jr. 363, 427
Turner, C. Rutledge 402, 409
Turner, Clark 415

Turner, Edward 229
Turner, Edzel 433
Turner, Frank Keech 407
Turner, H. Mebane 329, 448
Turner. Hayward M. A. 297
Turner, Henry P. 181, 264, 314, 268
Turner, Irwin 293
Turner, Merle Kasten 407
Turney, Jack R. 412
Turnham, Peter B. 138
Tustian, Richard E. 377. 422
Twilley, Norris B. 438
Tyler, Julian C. 432
Tydings, Joseph D. 333
Tydings, R. Austin 448
Tydings, Warren E. 257
Udoff, Frank 431,436,438
Ugoretz.Ben 218
Uhl, Edward G. 101
Ulino, A. W. 403
Ulle, Margaret 186,350
Ulle.Mrs.Wilbur P 184
Ullery, Wallace G. 391, 460
Ulrich, John L.. Jr. 119
Umbarger,W. Gene, Jr. 416
Umbarger, Worley N. 416
Unglesbee, Alvie B. 456
Ungelsbee. Clyde 443
Unger, V. Edwin 229
Unger. Vernon E. 230
Upole, Elmer H. 445
Upton, Jack G. 398
Urban, Beth J. 182
Urie, William A. 106, 209
Urner, John H. 371
Urspruch. John H. 185
Utz, Edward 368,414
Valente, Bette 184
Valianti, Romeo L. 114
Valle, Francis J. 447
Valliant. James A. 291
Valliant, Jeremiah 433
Valliant, Robert M. 433
Vallario, Joseph F., Jr. 37, 46, 96,
Van Brunt, Rinaldo 257
Van Buskirk, George 139, 348
Vandaniker, Relmond 417
Vandenburg, J. Thomas 428
Vandevisser, Robert S. 401
Van Wagoner, Robert L. 264, 274
Varga, Leslie 351
Vargas, Robert 195
Vauls, Travis 206
Vaughan, James N. 372
Vaughn, Gary 399
Veale, Austin 327,351

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Maryland Manual, 1977-78
Volume 178, Page 530   View pdf image (33K)
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