mately forty-eight thousand (48,000) vol-
umes. The reference section contains many
rare books, maps, and documents, including
the subscription edition of the four elephant
folio volumes of Audubon's Birds of Amer-
ica, the most complete file now in existence
of the early issues (1745-1838) of the
Maryland Gazette, bound volumes between
1837 and 1883 and microfilm copies of the
Baltimore Sunpapers from 1884 to date, as
well as other early newspapers and period-
icals. In addition, the Library possesses an
almost complete set of the United States
Documents, Serial number series, dating
back to the Continental Congress. In 1970,
the Governor designated the State Library
as the official depository for the classic litho-
graph print of each of the twenty-nine state
bird species by Richard Sloan and donated
by the Greggsville Wild Bird Society.
The Law Library, which contains all
state, federal, and many foreign court re-
ports, session laws, codes, legal texts, com-
pendiums, legal periodicals, and other legal
reference material, is an integral part of the
operation of the Court of Appeals of Mary-
land and the Court of Special Appeals of
Maryland and furnishes legal, reference and |
research material and facilities to the court,
judges, lawyers, State departments and offi-
cials, and the general public. The Library
is designated as a United States Depository
Library. All State officials and agencies are
required by law to place one copy of all of
their reports and other publications in the
Library (Code 1957, 1971 Repl. Vol., Art.
40, sec. 53). The Library has also been
designated as an official depository for all
codes published by local governments, both
county and municipal (Code 1957, 1973
Repl. Vol., Art. 25, sec. 32A; Art. 23A,
sec. 8B). All State Agencies, except the
Legislative and Judicial Departments are
required by Chapter 797, Acts of 1969 to
file copies of their rules and regulations with
the State Library (Art. 41, 1971 Repl. Vol.,
sec. 9).
The Library is the distributing agency for
the Maryland Reports (Code 1957, 1971
Repl. Vol., Art. 41, sec. 155), and the
Maryland Appellate Reports. The Library
also distributes the Annotated Code of
Maryland under the direction of the Board
of Public Works.
Staff: 5. |