Committee on Rules of Practice and Pro-
cedure appointed by an Order of the Court
dated March 5, 1940. The composition,
functions and duties of Rules Committee,
and a description of the rule-making proc-
ess, are set forth in Rule 4 (Promulgation
of Rules) of the Maryland Rules of Proce-
dure (Courts Art., sees. 13-301 to 13-303).
Chairman: Vincent L. Gingerich, 1977
Dorothy H. Thompson, 1976; Charles H.
Dorsey, Jr., 1978.
John E. Boerner, Secretary to the Board
Charles C. Lee, Special Assistant
William F. Abell, Special Assistant
David C. Daneker, Special Assistant
Joanne G. Dowgwillo, Clerk to the Board
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-2140
The Courts of the Province were first
authorized to examine persons seeking to
practice law in 1715 (Acts 1715, chap. 48,
sec. 12). The examination of attorneys re-
mained as a function of the several courts
of the State until 1898, when the Legislature
created the State Board of Law Examiners
(Chapter 139, Acts of 1898). The Board
is composed of three members appointed
by the Judges of the Court of Appeals.
Twice yearly, in the winter and summer, the
Board conducts examinations for admission
to the Bar. It also passes upon the petitions
of attorneys from other states desiring ad-
mission and administers an Out-of-State
Attorneys' Examination twice yearly. The
Board passes upon appeals from the findings
and recommendations of the Character
Committees of the various circuits. Law stu-
dents expecting to practice in Maryland
must register their intentions with the Board.
The Court of Appeals formulates the rules
governing the Board, but the Board may
prescribe rules for the conduct of examina-
tions, providing such rules do not conflict
with those made by the Court (Code 1957,
1976 Repl. Vol., Art. 10, sees. 2-8). |
Chairman: Joseph Sherbow
First Appellate Circuit: E. Ralph Hostetter
and John W. T. Webb.
Second Appellate Circuit: Henry J. Knott
and George W. White, Jr.
Third Appellate Circuit: Odell H. Rosen
and James J. Cromwell.
Fourth Appellate Circuit: Edgar H. Merkle,
Sr. and Andrew L. Haislip, Jr.
Fifth Appellate Circuit: George W. Settle
and John G. Rouse, Jr.
Sixth Appellate Circuit: Alice Pinderhughes
and Roger D. Redden.
First Judicial Circuit:
Rex A. Taylor, Chairman
Lionel Bennett, Raymond D. Coates, Wil-
liam D. Gould, Charles E. Hearne, Jr.,
William H. Price, William W. Travers,
Calvin S. Dean, Betty K. Gardner, John
T. Handy, Walter Jones, Norman Polk,
Herman J. Stevens.
Second Judicial Circuit:
Joseph H. McLain, Chairman
Ernest S. Cookerly, L. Clark Ewing, Ro-
land C. Kent, Doris P. Scott, Frank C.
Sherrard, Howard Wood, III, Robert E.
Bryson, Hugh M. Gordy, Fred E. Speck,
James M. Wales, William Biddle,
Third Judicial Circuit:
Robert F. Skutch, Jr., Chairman
A. Freeborn Brown, Ralph E. Deitz. Fran-
cis N. Iglehart, E. Scott Moore, J. Earle
Plumhoff, Richard A. Reid, Mrs. W. Les-
ter Davis, 11, Charles G. Greason, Stanley
E. Hayden, Shirley L. Jones, John E.
Sheehan, Vacancy.
Fourth Judicial Circuit:
: J. Carson Dowell, Chairman
, W. Kennedy Boone III, Irving M. Ein-
binder, W. Dwight Stover, John H. Urner, |