Motor Vehicle Administration Regional Of-
fices throughout the State.
The License Review Program was estab-
lished to assist further in the rehabilitation
of unsafe drivers and in the identification of
individuals with bad driving attitudes. Under
this program, license reviewers hold hear-
ings for errant drivers. Based on these hear-
ings, license reviewers submit their recom-
mendations as to what action should be
taken on an individual's driving privileges.
The Division is also responsible for the
administration of the Medical Advisory
Board. This Board consists of twenty-five
physicians appointed by the Motor Vehicle
Administrator to advise him on the medical
aspects of driver licensing. In cases where
an individual's physical or mental condition
may affect his driving ability, the Motor Ve-
hicle Administrator relies on the Board for
professional guidance.
Lt. Col. Arthur McConnick, Director
The Division of Driver Examination and
Licensing is responsible for conducting ex-
aminations of all new drivers, and renewing
motor vehicle operators licenses.
Examinations include testing of the ap-
plicant's visual acuity, knowledge of motor
vehicle laws, and the ability to operate a
motor vehicle safely.
Maryland licenses are now classified ac-
cording to the type of vehicle the driver
will operate and are designated A, B, C, D,
and E. Any class license will authorize the
licensee to operate vehicles in that particu-
lar class, or any lower class, except E, pro-
viding the licensee meets the age require-
ments of the several classes. The five classes
are as follows:
Class A—Required to operate tractor-
trailers; Class B—Required to operate
trucks over 20,000 pounds gross weight;
Class C—Required to operate buses; Class
D—Required to operate automobiles, sta-
tion wagons, and trucks up to 20,000
pounds gross weight; and Class E—Re-
quired to operate motorcycles. |
Examinations are conducted at the Glen
Burnie Headquarters, at the Regional Of-
fices in Baltimore City, Chesapeake City,
College Park, Cumberland, Forestville, Ha-
gerstown, Rockville, Salisbury and Waldorf.
In addition, examining and licensing teams
conduct driver examinations at fourteen
other locations throughout the State. In ad-
dition, three mobile van testing units are
now used to conduct Class A, B, and C tests
at large trucking, bus, or utility facilities, in-
cluding fire departments and schools. These
vans are equipped to enable the examiners
to conduct vision screening, written law
tests, and to collect and account for the
applicable fees.
John H. Calhoun, Deputy Administrator
Agnes Stoicog, Director
The security and judgment provisions of
the Financial Responsibility Division were
repealed effective January 1, 1973 and in
their place compulsory automobile liability
insurance was established. The prime func-
tion of the Financial Responsibility Division
is the enforcement of compulsory insurance.
Under the compulsory insurance law, all
Maryland licensed insurance companies are
required to notify the Motor Vehicle Ad-
ministration of cancellations or terminations
of liability insurance policies as well as ex-
cluded drivers. This Division is required to
maintain an active file with the names of all
uninsured motorists required to re-certify
the statutory minimum motor vehicle lia-
bility requirements. Their failure to present
the required evidence of insurance results
in the suspension of vehicle tags.
In addition to the enforcement of the
compulsory insurance law, this Division re-
ceives motor vehicle accident reports from
motorists involved in accidents that have
resulted in personal injury or property dam-
age in excess of $100 that have not been
investigated by police authorities. |