Appointed members: Alvin Akman, 1976;
Robert W. Frazier, 1976; Patrick P. 0'-
Malley, 1976; William J. Ryan, 1976;
Edward S. Corcoran, 1977; John C. War-
field, 1977; John P. O'Conner, 1978;
Dorothy H. Streaker, 1978.
The Maryland Transportation Commis-
sion of the Department of Transportation,
created by Chapter 526, Acts of 1970, con-
sists of seventeen members. The seven re-
gional members of the State Roads Com-
mission are ex officio members while the
remaining ten members are appointed by
the Governor with the advice of the Secre-
tary. The appointed members serve for
three-year terms. The Governor designates
the Chairman.
The Commission meets at least monthly
and is charged with studying the entire
transportation system of the State. The
Commission advises and makes recommen-
dations to the Secretary and Administrators
on matters concerning policy formation and
program execution (Code 1957, 1971 Repl.
Vol., Art. 41, sec. 208D).
Chairman: Harry R. Hughes, Secretary,
Department of Transportation
Joseph B. Browne, 1977; L. Mercer Smith,
1977; Herman L. Gruehn, 1978; Daniel
F. McMullen III, 1978; Ross B. Diffen-
derffer, 1979; William B. Wheeler, 1979.
Executive Secretary: E. Donald Reilly
P.O. Box 8755,
International Airport,
Baltimore 21240 Telephone: 768-9520
The Maryland Transportation Authority,
created by Chapter 526, Acts of 1970, con-
sists of the Secretary as Chairman and six
members who are appointed by the Gov-
ernor with the advice and consent of the
Senate for three year terms.
As of July 1, 1971, all power, authority,
obligations, functions, duties and discretion
previously granted to the State Roads Com-
mission relating to the financing, operation, |
maintenance and repair of the Susquehanna
River Bridge, the Potomac River Bridge
(the Governor Harry W. Nice Memorial
Bridge), the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (the
Governor William P. Lane, Jr., Memorial
Bridge), the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel, the
Baltimore Harbor Outer Crossing, the John
F. Kennedy Memorial Highway, and all
other State highway toll revenue facilities
financed by revenue bonds of the State
Roads Commission were transferred to the
Maryland Transportation Authority (Code
1957, 1971 Repl. Vol , Art. 41, sec. 208C).
E. Donald Reilly, Administrator of Toll
William R. Fletcher, Deputy Administrator
of Toll Facilities and Administrator of
Toll Bridges
Joseph R. Hartman, Administrator of John
F. Kennedy Memorial Highway
Bernard W Jedrowicz, Administrator of
Baltimore Harbor Tunnel
Superintendents of Bridges:
Richard E. League, William Preston
Lane, lr.. Memorial Bridge, (Chesa-
peake Bay Toll Bridge), Sandy Point
Frank W. Raab, Susquehanna River Toll
Bridge, Perryville
J. L. Pilkerton, Gov. Harry W. Nice
Memorial Bridge (Potomac River Toll
Bridge), Newburg
Harbor Tunnel Plaza, Frankfurst
at Childs 21203 Telephone: 355-3500
The Administration operates and main-
tains the three major bridges, the Harbor
Tunnel Thruway (Patapsco Tunnel, under
Baltimore's harbor), and the John F. Ken-
nedy Memorial Highway. These facilities
were constructed with the proceeds from the
sale of revenue bonds authorized under the
Revenue Bond Act of 1937 (Code 1957,
1969 Repl. Vol., Art. 89B, sees 163-181),
and by Chapter 1, Acts of the Special Ses-
sion of 1956 (Code 1957, 1969 Repl. Vol.,
Art. 89B, sees. 141-162A).
Currently, the five projects handle ap-
proximately 54,730,935 toll transactions an- |