1957, 1969 Repl. Vol., 1975 Supp., Art.
95A, sec. 7 (f),(g) ,11).
The Governor appoints a State advisory
council, and the Executive Director ap-
points local advisory councils, consisting of
an equal number of representatives from the
public, the employer, and the employee. The
councils aid the Executive Director in for-
mulating policies and discuss with him
problems that arise in the administration of
the law to insure impartial solutions of such
problems (Code 1957, 1969 Repl. Vol.,
1975 Supp., Art. 95A, sec. 12).
This Division supervises the Unemploy-
ment Insurance Program carried out by the
local offices. The Unemployment Insurance
Division also collects contributions from em-
ployers covered by the Maryland Unem-
ployment Insurance Law, collects quarterly
wage information on the employees of these
employers, determines weekly benefit
amounts in accordance with this wage in-
formation, issues benefit checks to local
offices, reviews benefit payments to deter-
mine if any were improperly made, recov-
ers improper payments, and pays benefits
to individuals who formerly worked in
Maryland, but who reside in other states,
as provided by a reciprocal interstate agree-
ment. The law provides for an experience-
rating system under which employers who
maintain steady employment are eligible for
reduction in the rate of contributions. All
funds collected under the law are deposited
with the Federal Treasury for the credit of
the Unemployment Trust Fund of Mary-
land and may be used only for the payment
of benefits.
The Employment Service Division is re-
sponsible for operating a public employment
service. Functions include job placement for
all persons legally entitled to work; counsel-
ing; aptitude testing; referral to agencies
which provide employer services, including |
job analysis, technical assistance, inter-area
recruitment and certification of alien work-
ers. This Division also operates the Rural
Manpower Program, which includes farm
labor recruitment (year-round seasonal and
migratory) and employment services to iso-
lated rural area residents.
The Employment Service Division oper-
ates the Maryland Job Bank and partici-
pates in the Washington, D.C. Area Job
The Employment Service Director and
his state office staff are responsible for pol-
icy, planning, operation of employment serv-
ice programs in the local offices, technical
assistance and specialized training, liaison
with other agencies and statewide commit-
tees and for coordination with other
The Director is also responsible for moni-
toring services to Migrant and Seasonal
Farmworkers under Court Order and for
development of and delivery of services un-
der contracts with designated Prime Spon-
sors under the Comprehensive Employment
and Training Act.
State and local office staff represent the
Division on a number of State, area and
local commissions concerned with employ-
ment and manpower problems.
This Division, under the supervision of a
director responsible to the Board of Ap-
peals, conducts hearings on all appeals filed
by claimants or employers from the deter-
minations of claims examiners in the De-
partment's local offices, and conducts hear-
ings on WIN registrants who dispute WIN'S
decisions. Claimants may appeal from de-
terminations disqualifying them for benefits,
or employers from determinations allowing
benefits, as the case may be. An Appeals
Referee hears all such appeals. Any ag-
grieved party may further appeal to the
Board of Appeals. Final appellate recourse
is to the Courts of Maryland.
The Department operates eighteen full-
time field offices throughout the State for the |