Henry Koellein, 1977; Warren Viessman,
1977; Joseph T. Mendelson, 1978; Alan
S. Goldfarb, 1979; John W. Stout, 1979;
Francis B. Francois, 1980; Cornelius W.
Kruse, M.D„ 1980; Edward Radford,
201 W. Preston Street,
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-3148
The Air Quality Control Advisory Coun-
cil was created by Chapter 143, Acts of
1967, to supersede the Air Pollution Control
Council which had been created by Chapter
806, Acts of 1963. The present Council
was established to adopt rules and regula-
tions for the control of air pollution in the
State. The Council consists of not more than
eleven members appointed by the Secretary
of Health and Mental Hygiene for terms of
five years. Membership must include a me-
chanical engineer, a chemical engineer, two
members experienced in air pollution con-
trol matters chosen from lists submitted by
the Baltimore Chamber of Commerce, one
doctor of medicine, and one member each
chosen from lists submitted by the Univer-
sity of Maryland, The Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity, the Council of Governments of
Metropolitan Washington, and the AFL-
The Council serves in an advisory ca-
pacity to the State Department of Health
and reviews recommended regulations for
the establishment of standards for emissions
into the air or for ambient air quality, and
advises the Department prior to their sub-
mission to the Secretary of Health and Men-
tal Hygiene prior to their adoption (Code
1957, 1971 Repl. Vol., Art. 43, sees. 690-
Chairman: Lloyd Guth, M.D., University
of Maryland School of Medicine
Vice Chairman: E B. Hall-Craggs, M.D.
Vincent D. Provenza, M.D.; Miguel Schoen,
M.D.; Leon Weiss, M D.
29 South Greene Street,
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 547-1222
The Anatomy Board of Maryland, an ex
officio body, originally created by Chapter |
669, Acts of 1947, had its membership
altered by Chapter 436, Acts of 1975. The
Board now consists of two members who
represent the medical schools in the State,
and a representative of the Department of
Anatomy of the University of Maryland
School of Dentistry. The members of the
Board are designated by the administrative
officers of each school. The purpose of the
agency is to insure the proper distribution
of bodies to qualified hospitals, medical
schools and other agencies engaged in medi-
cal education and research. Such bodies are
used only for medical education and re-
search. If, however, the body is claimed for
burial by relatives, it is surrendered for in-
terment. The Board also carries out the pro-
visions in the laws regulating Consent to
Post Mortem Examination (Chapter 315,
Acts of 1961), and the New Anatomical
Gift Act (Chapter 457, Acts of 1968).
Bodies are distributed chiefly to The Johns
Hopkins University School of Medicine and
the University of Maryland Schools of Medi-
cine and Dentistry according to an arranged
plan (Code 1957, 1971 Repl. Vol., 1975
Supp., Art. 43, sees. 158-161).
William G. Hardy, Ph.D., 1977; Hubert G.
Skinner, M.D„ 1977; Beth J. Urban,
Ph.D., 1977; Nicholas Webb Bankson,
1980; David M. Resnick, Ph.D., 1981.
201 W. Preston Street,
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-6461
The State Board of Examiners for Audi-
ologists created by Chapter 547, Acts of
1972 consists of five members appointed
by the Secretary of Health and Mental Hy-
giene, for five-year terms, one term expiring
each year. The members of the Board must
be residents of Maryland. Three members
must have paid work experience in audiol-
ogy for at least five years, hold the certifi-
cate of clinical competence in audiology of
the American Speech and Hearing Associa-
tion or the equivalent and be approved by
the Maryland Speech and Hearing Associa-
tion. One member must have paid work
experience in speech pathology for at least |