The Bureau of Food and Drugs is man-
dated to provide safe and wholesome food,
drugs and consumer products. It regulates
the manufacture, distribution, and sale of
drugs, milk, and food products. It is also
responsible for the control of dangerous
substances or drugs which have an abuse
potential. Ionizing and non-ionizing radia-
tion sources are monitored and regulated to
ensure the public safety against radiation
emissions. Consumer products are analyzed
and tested to ensure that consumers are
adequately protected against illness or injury
associated with their use.
Staff: 1975, 266; 1976, 270;
1977, 277.
Robert L. Cavenaugh, M.D., Director
!. M. Joseph, Ph.D., Assistant Director
201 W. Preston Street,
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2880
The Laboratories Administration has
broad responsibilities for making a wide
variety of laboratory tests to assist physi-
cians and health officials in the prevention,
diagnosis and control of human diseases.
The Administration makes examinations in
connection with the enforcement of the
State's health laws, and the chemical, micro-
biological and radiological surveillance of
the environment related to foods, waters,
sewage, air, pharmaceuticals, bedding and
upholstery. It also licenses, if in compliance
with minimum standards and qualifications,
all blood banks and clinical laboratories and
certifies laboratories making examinations of
water and dairy products involved in ship-
ments out of Maryland, and periodically
inspects all such laboratories to assure
In addition to the Central Laboratory in
Baltimore, there are eight branch labora-
tories throughout the State.
Staff: 1975, 272; 1976, 270;
1977, 261.
John L. Pitts, Jr„ M.D., M.P.H., Director |
201 W. Preston Street,
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2732
The Preventive Medicine Administration
provides technical and professional assist-
ance and consultation, as well as some di-
rect services, to other Administrations under
the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene
and to the subdivisions of the State, pri-
marily to local Health Departments. The
Preventive Medicine Administration is re-
sponsible for many diversified activities. The
general maternal and child health program
is concerned with maternal health and popu-
lation dynamics, infant, child and adolescent
health, day care services; and provision of
services for heritable disorders. Crippled
Children's Services stresses early diagnosis
and treatment to prevent costly handicap-
ping disabilities thus promoting the fullest
potential of each child. Communicable Dis-
ease and Epidemiology provides immuniza-
tion programs against childhood and some
adult epidemic diseases including influenza
and venereal disease control services. Den-
tal Health Service promotes the prevention
of dental disorders and the correction of
dental defects resulting from failure or neg-
lect of preventive measures. Veterinary Med-
icine is concerned with the control of animal
conditions which adversely affect public
health, including inspection and licensing of
kennels and pet shops. The staff is repre-
sentative of many professions which include
physicians qualified in the specialties of
pediatrics, obstetrics, and epidemiology;
public health nurses with special preparation
and training in obstetrics and pediatrics;
and dentists, psychologists, nutritionists,
public health veterinarians, social workers,
physical therapists, speech pathologists, au-
diologists, occupational therapists, public
health investigators, and health educators.
Staff: 1975, 223; 1976, 230;
1977, 232.
George F. Ellinger, M.D., Director
201 W. Preston Street,
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2723 |