190, 196, 215, 216, 218, 221, 244-256, 266z, 419; 1971 Repl. Vol., 1975 Supp., Art
43, sec. 387B; 1970 Repl. Vol., 1975 Supp., Art. 73B, sec. 12; 1975 Repl. Vol., Art
78A, sees. 1-16B, 20-22, 26-31, 43, 49. 55-67; 1969 Repl. Vol., 1972 Supp., Art. 89B
sec. 6; 1969 Repl. Vol., 1975 Supp., Art. 94A, sec. 5; Natural Resources Art., sec. 9-202
Estates and Trust Art.. sec. 2-205).
Administration — Office of the Secretary
State Treasury Building, Annapolis 21401
Telephone: 269-3444
This office is charged with a number of
administrative functions in connection with
matters brought before the Board of Public
Works. It is responsible for preparing one
of the several agenda considered by the
Board at its meetings and for scheduling the
appearance of those wishing to testify at
meetings. It must notify all affected parties
of actions taken by the Board. It prepares,
distributes and maintains the minutes of
each of the meetings A library of tape re-
cordings and transcripts of each meeting is
also maintained. The office provides infor-
mational services to other State agencies,
news media, and the public at large as well
as engaging in research when requested. The
operating budget of the Board of Public
Works, which contains a number of grant
programs to private agencies, institutions,
colleges and universities, is prepared and
administered by this office.
Staff: 13.
Wetiands Administration
Lawrence B. Goldstein, Wetlands
Jeffrey Building
16 Francis Street,
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2664
Chapter 241 of the Acts of 1970 required
anyone wishing to dredge or fill in State
wetlands first to secure a license from the
Board of Public Works. In order to fulfill
the responsibilities assigned to it by the
statute the Board has appointed a Wetlands
Administrator. The duties of this office in-
clude the receipt of applications as well as
scheduling and conducting the required pub-
lic hearing. After holding the hearing and
considering all other information relevant to
the application, the administrator then pre-
pares a written report to the Board of Public |
Works, including a recommendation as to
whether or not a license should be issued
and if so under what terms and conditions
The approved license is also issued by this
The Wetlands Administrator coordinates
all aspects of the program with other State,
local and Federal agencies as well as en-
vironmental groups and the general public
(Natural Resources Art., sec. 9-202).
Staff: 3.
Francis J. Aluisi, Permits Coordinator
Jeffrey Building
16 Francis Street,
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2666
The Permits Coordinator is appointed by
the Board of Public Works in compliance
with Chapter 553 of the Acts of 1975. The
Coordinator is required by law to have
available copies of all rules and regulations
and all application forms adopted or used by
various State agencies with respect to the
issuance of permits. He must advise persons
proposing projects of the various permits
that may be required and is to furnish to
the applicants the relevant information con-
cerning the required procedures for obtain-
ing these permits. The Coordinator must co-
operate with each State agency having au-
thority to issue a permit in developing a
master application form and appropriate
appendices for use in applying for multiple
permits. When more than one State agency
is required to issue a permit for a specific
project, a consolidated hearing is held and
the Coordinator presides over the consoli-
dated hearing. In addition to consolidated
State hearings, the statute provides for joint
hearings with local governmental agencies
(Code 1957, 1975 Repl. Vol., Art 78A,
sees. 56-67).
Staff: 3. |