Permanent Boards of Registry
appointment 468
see officer under
individual counties
see officers under
Individual counties
Permits and Certification, Water
Resources Administration 123
Perry Point Cecil County 147
Perryville, Cecil County 213,214,215
Personal property tax 62, 265
Personal Rights Subcommittee,
House of Delegates 370
Personnel, Commissioner of 160
"see Personnel, Secretary of
Personnel, Department of
description 160
Special Assistant Attorney General 67
Personnel, Secretary of
duties 160
membership on State boards 56, 152,
156, 162, 163, 296, 322, 326
Personnel Boards, County 467
bee also officers listed in
Various counties
Personnel Management Division,
Division of Health and
Mental Hygiene 74
Pesticide Applicator's Law 245
Pesticides, inspection of 244, 245
Petersburg Va 41
Petitions, filing of 58
Petroleum products 32
Pharmaceutical Association,
Maryland 101,106
Pharmaceutical industry 76
Pharmacy, Maryland Board of
description 106
mentioned 72
Pharmacy, University of Maryland
School of 303,307,308
Philadelphia Academy of
Natural Sciences 125
Phoenix Nike Site 262
Physicians, licensing of 103
Physiography of Maryland 31
Physical Education, Recreation and
Health, College of, University of
Maryland 304,308
Physical Fitness Commission, State
description 106107
mentioned 72
Physical Fitness Commissions,
County 107,468
tee a/so officers listed in
various counties
Physical Therapy, Department of |
Health and Mental Hygiene 91
Physical Therapy Examiners, Board of
description 10708
mentioned 72
Pikesville, Baltimore
County 165, 168, 169, 184, 262
Piling, value of product 31
Pilots, licensing of 170
Pilots, Board of Examiners of
description 202 03
mentioned 187
Pilots Association, Maryland 202 203
Pine Bluff Center 47, 78
Piscataway Bay 334
Pittsburgh, Pa 212
Planimetric Maps 126
aged 252
agencies 272,33133
capital programs 117
county 33133
see officers under
'individual counties'{
drug abuse control 96 97
economic 23637
educational 283
emergency functions 165 66
family 142
forests and parks 331
grants 137 38
health 74
historic preservation 24142
law enforcement and criminal
justice 166
library 283
manpower 151
outdoor recreation 117,119,
public improvements 46, 153, 155 56
regional 221.22,275,331
school 283
Spanish speaking people 15051
State 50, 137-38, 153 56
transit and transportation 221,315.17
Planning and Zoning Commissions,
County 233,470
fee officers under
individual counties
Planning Commission, State 137 38
Planning Department, State
description 13738
mentioned 123,129,155,221,
Special Assistant Attorney
General to 68
Planning Department, State, Secretary of
duties 137.38 |