Old Treasury Building, Annapolis .....156
Older Americans Act of 1965 ....... .252
Oldtown, Allegany County ......... .478n
Olney, Montgomery County ..........262
Omaha Beachhead ................. 43
Omnibus Crime Control and Safe
Streets Act (U.S.) ................258
Open-pit mining operations ...... 127, 128
Open space program ....117,136,137-38
Open University Program,
University of Maryland ...........309
"Operation Thanksgiving" ..........152
Operations, Motor Vehicle
Administration ..................216
Operations Bureau, Maryland
State Police ....................169
Opportunity Studies ..............228
Optometrists, Maryland Association of. 105
Optometry, Board of Examiners in:
description ...................105
mentioned .................... 72
Organization and Procedure Committee,
House of Delegates ..............370
Orphans' Court:
appeals from .................423
Days ........................870
Judges .......................465
see also officers under
individual counties
Osteopathic Association, Maryland ....105
Osteopathic Examiners, Board of:
description .................105-06
mentioned .................... 72
Osteopaths, licensing of ........ 104, 105
Outdoor Recreation Land Loan .......136
Outpatient Care ................77,182
Owings Mills, Baltimore County ...85,293
Oyster Police Force, State ..........119
conservation ..................133
value of catch ............ .32, 117
Paca House, Annapolis .......49,60,211
Paintings .........................154
Parallel Bay Bridge ............198,199
Pardon, power of ........56,58, 172, 174
Parent program services ............142
Paris, Treaty of ................... 39
Park and Planning Commission,
Maryland-National Capital ......331-33
Park Boards, County ...............471
Park Service:
description ...................122
mentioned ....................114
Maryland-Washington Metropolitan |
planning for ............117,331-33
State .....................31,122
tax ..........................332
Parks Advisory Commission .........116
Parkville, Baltimore County .........262
Parole, Anne Arundel County ........180
Parole, Board of:
description ...................180
mentioned ................164,181
Parole and Probation, Advisory
Board of ...................172,181
Parole and Probation, Board of ..178,180
Parole and Probation, Department of ..178
561- Parole and Probation, Division of
Parole and Probation, Division of:
description ................178-80
mentioned 96, 164, 181, 183, 184, 185
Parole laws . .................178, 181
Patapsco River ....................214
Patapsco State Park .......113,115,122
Patapsco Tunnel ...............213,214
Patents, land .....................159
Pathologist, State ..................243
Patrol and Inspection Fleet, Maryland .119
Patuxent Filiation Plant ............333
Patuxent Institution:
description .................181-83
mentioned ............46,164,184
Patuxent Institution, Board of . . . .164, 181
Patuxent River .................43,333
Patuxent River Naval Air Station ..43,529
Peabody Institute of the City
of Baltimore ................158,888
Peat, value of product .............. 31
Peggy Stewart (ship) ............. 38
Penal Farm, Maryland State .........176
Peninsula General Hospital
School of Nursing ............. ..889
Penitentiary, Maryland:
description ................174-75
mentioned ............172,184,285
Pennsylvania Electric Company .......135
see Employment Security,
Department of; Retirement Systems
People's Counsel, Public Service
Commission ....................269
People's Courts ............50, 737 466
see District Court of Maryland;
see also officers listed in
individual counties
Performing arts ...................239
Perkins Hospital Center ........46,87,88
Perkins Hospital Center Citizens
Advisory Board .................. 93 |