State's Attorney ...............
Sheriff ........................
Register of Wills ...............
Judges, Orphans' Court......... |
. John D. Bailey, Jr......... ......
. Lawrence Williams ..............
.Mary R. Bell....................
. Ernest L. Stone, Chief. ..........
Paul Bell .......................
Clyde Raley .................... |
.1974 |
Judge, District Court........... |
. William 0. E. Sterling...........
Mary M. Gwynn, Administrative
Clerk ........................
M. Doris Jones, Clerk. ........... |
.1981 |
District Public Defender ........ |
. Franklin B. Olmsted. ............ |
Board of County Commissioners . |
.J. Wilmer Bowles, President. .....
George R. Aud...................
J. S. Guy, Jr.....................
Joseph D. Weiner, Attorney. ......
Judith A. Mullins, Secretary. ..... |
.1974 |
Administrative Officer to |
County Commissioners"' ......
Director of Administration ..... |
.Paul R. Raley...................
.Henry D. McGlade............... |
Treasurer .....................
Supervisor of Assessments ......
Property Tax Assessment |
. Francis G. Cecil.................
. William F. Herbert.............. |
.1975 |
Appeal Board ................ |
. Clarence Bell, Chairman ........
J. Alfred Abell..................
Robert L. Owens................ |
.1975 |
Board of Supervisors of Elections |
. James A. Bean..................
Patricia Ann Raley..............
Eleanor Peabody ................ |
.1975 |
Fire Marshal ..................
Director of Civil Defense ........
Deputy Medical Examiner .......
Health Officer ................. |
. Charles H. Donaldson............
. Otis F. Wood (Acting) ...........
.William D. Boyd, M.D.. ..........
. William J. Marek, M.D........... |
Board of Education ............ |
.E. Harry Ocker..................
J. Lawrence Millison.............
Catherine W. Barnes.............
Clarence J. M. Davis. ............
James A. Forrest................ |
.1978 |
Superintendent of Schools .......
Board of Library Trustees ...... |
. Robert E. King, Jr...............
. Robert E. Hogaboom.............
Thurston B. Clark...............
Mary Combs Barber.............
James A. Kenney III. ............
Albertine Lancaster ............. |
.1977 |
Librarian .....................
Social Services Board .......... |
. Catherine Hurry ................
. J. Wilmer Bowles, County
Commissioner and Chairman.... |
Vincent Biscoe .................
Purnell Frederick, Sr.. ...........
Leroy J. Thompson..............
Mary Helen Woodland...........
Vacancy ........................
Vacancy ........................
Vacancy ........................
Vacancy ........................ |
.1976 |