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Maryland Manual, 1973-74
Volume 176, Page 426   View pdf image (33K)
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J. Allen Hines, Assistant Administrator
Frederick A. Farris, Reporter to Maryland
Rules Committee
Courts of Appeal Building, Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 267-1141
The Administrative Office of the Courts was established by Chapter
343, Acts of 1955. Its director is appointed by the Chief Judge of the
Court of Appeals of Maryland and serves at his pleasure.
This office examines the dockets of the courts of the State to deter-
mine the need for additional assistance and to make recommendations
to the Chief Judge as to the assignment of judges; compiles and
collects statistics regarding the business of the courts; formulates and
recommends policies for the improvement of the judicial system; and
tions of the judiciary (Courts Article, sec. 13-101 (a)-(c)).
Judiciary Budget
Appropriations 1973 1974
General Funds ................ $4,510.419 $4,692.706
Staff: 160.
Chairman: Vincent L. Gingerich
Charles H. Dorsey, Jr.
Dorothy H. Thompson
John E. Boerner, Acting Secretary to the Board
Robert M. Bell, Special Assistant
William F. Abell, Special Assistant
David C. Daneker, Special Assistant
Mildred H. Pullen, Clerk to the Board
Courts of Appeal Bldg., Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 267-1140
The Courts of the Province were first authorized to examine persons
seeking to practice law in 1715 (Acts 1715, chap. 48, sec. 12). The
examination of attorneys remained as a function of the several courts
of the State until 1898, when the Legislature created the State Board
of Law Examiners (Chapter 139, Acts of 1898). The Board is com-
posed of three members appointed by the Judges of the Court of
Appeals. Twice yearly, in the winter and summer, the Board conducts
examinations for admission to the Bar. It also passes upon the peti-
tions of attorneys from other states desiring admission. The Board
passes upon appeals from the findings and recommendations of the
Character Committees of the various circuits. Law students expecting
to practice in Maryland must register their intentions with the Board.
The Court of Appeals formulates the rules governing the Board, but
the Board may prescribe rules for the conduct of examinations, pro-
viding such rules do not conflict with those made by the Court (Code
1957, 1968 Repl. Vol., Art. 10, sees. 2-8).
Appropriations for the Board of Law Examiners are now provided
for in the judiciary budget which is administered by the Administra-
tive Office of the Courts.
Chairman: Joseph Sherbow
First Appellate Circuit: E. Dale Adkins, Jr„ and E. Ralph Hostetter.
Second Appellate Circuit: Henry J. Knott and William F. Mosner.
Third Appellate Circuit: David E. Betts and Odell H. Rosen.
Fourth Appellate Circuit: Marvin S. Kaminetz and
Edgar H. Merkle, Sr.
Fifth Appellate Circuit: George W. Settle and C. Ferdinand Sybert.
Sixth Appellate Circuit: Eli Frank, Jr„ and Alice Pinderhughes.

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Maryland Manual, 1973-74
Volume 176, Page 426   View pdf image (33K)
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