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Maryland Manual, 1973-74
Volume 176, Page 425   View pdf image (33K)
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Chief Judge:
Charles E. Orth, Jr., Sixth Appellate Circuit . . . .Baltimore, 1983
Associate Judges:
Charles Awdry Thompson, First Appellate Circuit
Cambridge, 1983
W. Albert Menchine, Second Appellate Circuit. . . .Glen Arm, 1974
John P. Moore, Third Appellate Circuit .......... Rockville, 1974
Jerrold V. Powers, Fourth Appellate Circuit ..... .Cheverly, 1987
James C. Morton, Jr., Fifth Appellate Circuit. .Davidsonville, 1983
Richard P. Gilbert, Sixth Appellate Circuit. .... .Baltimore, 1987
Charles E. Moylan, Jr., At Large .............. Baltimore, 1987
Rita C. Davidson, At Large. ................ .Chevy Chase, 1974
Thomas Hunter Lowe, At Large .................. Easton, 1974
Julius A. Romano, Clerk of the Court
Howard E. Friedman, Chief Deputy Clerk
Thayer A. Larrimore, Deputy Clerk
Ann C. Simmons, Deputy Clerk
Courts of Appeal Bldg., Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 267-5646
The creation of the Court of Special Appeals was authorized by an
amendment to the Constitution proposed by Chapters 10 and II, Acts
of 1966, which was ratified on November 8, 1966. The implementing
legislation creating the Court was provided by Chapters II and 12,
Acts of 1966 (Const. 1867, Art. IV, sec. 14A; Courts Article, sec.
1-402; (a) and (b), 1-403 (a)-(c)).
The Court was originally composed of five judges, each of whom
was elected from a special appellate circuit. Its jurisdiction was
limited to hearing primarily criminal appeals except where the death
sentence was imposed.
By Chapter 99, Acts of 1970, the number of judges was increased
from five to nine. The special appellate judicial circuits were abolished
and the new law provided that each judge should be elected from
each of the five Appellate Judicial Circuits and two from the Sixth
Appelate Judicial Circuit representing Baltimore City. By Chapter
361, Acts of 1972, the number of judges was increased from nine to
ten. Three judges are elected from the state at large. Cases before the
Court are to be heard by a panel of not less than three judges. The
terms of the judges are for fifteen years and the Governor designates
one member of the court as the Chief Judge.
The same act enlarged the jurisdiction of the Court to encompass
appeals in numerous civil matters, such as negligence cases arising
out of motor vehicle accidents, Workmen's Compensation cases, domes-
tic cases and paternity proceedings. Chapter 56, Acts of 1973 in-
creased the jurisdiction of the Court of Special Appeals to include
appeals taken in the following: any equity case, declaratory judg-
ments, zoning cases, and cases from an orphans' court.
The Clerk of the Court of Special Appeals is appointed by the
Court. He maintains the docket, receives the records and briefs of
all appeals filed with the Court and maintains official custody of the
decisions of the Court.
William H. Adkins II, Director
John E. Boerner, Deputy Administrator
Robert C. Franke, Assistant Administrator
James F. Lynch, Assistant Administrator

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Maryland Manual, 1973-74
Volume 176, Page 425   View pdf image (33K)
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