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Maryland Manual, 1973-74
Volume 176, Page 204   View pdf image (33K)
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Council of State Boards of Engineering Examiners, which aids in the
reciprocal licensing of engineers and seeks to promote uniform stand-
ards of licensing in all States.
Through the cooperation of the local chapters of the engineering
fraternities, the Board seeks to secure voluntary compliance with the
law and the maintenance of the ethical standards of the profession.
However, the Board has specific powers of enforcement. These include
the investigation of charges as well as the hearing of complaints of
violations of the registration law, the power to subpoena witnesses
and the submission of documents or other pertinent data, and the
power to apply for relief by injunction to enforce the provisions of
the law or to restrain any violation of it (Code 1957, 1969 Repl. Vol.,
1972 Supp., Art. 75% ).
Appropriations 1973 1974
Special Funds ................ $66,610 $63,692
Staff: 5.
Chairman: Benjamin L. King, 1975
Daniel E. Klein, Jr., 1974; Gunther R. Borris, 1974;
Louis J. Berman, 1976.
Secretary-Treasurer: Thomas F. Cardegna, 1974
One South Calvert Street, Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 383-2090
This Board was first established by Chapter 719, Acts of 1900. Con-
sisting of five members, the Board is appointed by the Governor, with
the advice of the Secretary of Licensing and Regulation. Three mem-
bers must be certified public accountants, currently enrolled to prac-
tice as such. One member must be a full-time college professor in the
field of accounting at an accredited institution and hold a Maryland
certificate. One member must be a practicing attorney at law. Each
member serves a three-year term.
The Board examines applicants for certificates as certified public
accountants, passes on applications by certified public accountants of
other states for reciprocal certificates, and enrolls certified public
accountants and registered public accountants and registered partner-
ships to practice public accountancy in Maryland.
Examinations are held in May and November of each year. Certifi-
cates are issued by the Board to those persons who pass the examina-
tions, or whose applications for reciprocal certificates are approved.
The Board may for specified causes revoke or suspend any such cer-
tificate, registration or enrollment, after written notice to the holder
and reasonable opportunity for a hearing. The 1970 General Assembly
updated the laws which provided for the minimum educational require-
ments to not less than a baccalaureate degree with a major in ac-
counting to become effective in July 1974. The new law also gave the
Board jurisdiction over professional ethics (Code 1957, 1969 Repl.
Vol., Art. 75A, sees. 1-23A).
Appropriations 1973 1974
General Funds ................ $93,569 $91,544
Staff: 2.
Chairman: J. Newton Brewer, 1977
Carlo A. Jackson, 1974; Robert W. Furtick, 1975; Milton Polin-
ger, 1976; Donald S. Levinson, 1978.
James A. Callahan, Secretary
701 St. Paul Street, Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 383-2424

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Maryland Manual, 1973-74
Volume 176, Page 204   View pdf image (33K)
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