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Maryland Manual, 1973-74
Volume 176, Page 203   View pdf image (33K)
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the Baltimore Chamber of Commerce and the President of the Asso-
ciation of Maryland Pilots serve as ex officio members. The Board
establishes rates, pilotage fees and charges (Code 1957, 1970 Repl.
Vol., Art. 74, sec. 2).
Chairman: Frederick W. DeJong, 1975
Secretary: Benjamin J. Taylorson, 1975
Treasurer: Harry C. Agro, 1975
Earl Boccabello, 1975; Morris Oseroff, 1975; Thomas E. Pierson,
1975; Reese W. Warner, 1975.
One South Calvert Street, Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 383-2447
The first board for the examining and licensing of plumbers in
Maryland was established by Chapter 439, Acts of 1886, with juris-
diction limited to Baltimore City. The General Assembly established
the present Commission by Chapter 436, sec. 186, Acts of 1910, and
enlarged its membership by Chapter 675, Acts of 1965. Its jurisdiction
includes all of the State. The Board is composed of seven members
appointed biennially by the Governor with the advice of the Secretary
of Licensing and Regulation and the advice and consent of the Senate
for two-year terms. One member must be from Southern Maryland,
one from the Eastern Shore, two from Baltimore City, one from the
area including Allegany, Washington, Garrett, Frederick and Mont-
gomery counties, and two from the area including Carroll, Baltimore
and Harford counties. The Commission examines and certifies journey-
man and master plumbers and serves as the regulatory agency for the
plumbing trade and business (Code 1957, 1971 Repl. Vol., Art. 43, sees.
Appropriations 1973 1974
Special Funds ................. $34,613 $41,906
Staff: 3 part-time.
Chairman: Marshall McCord, 1976
Vice Chairman: Wallace R. Amos, 1974
Secretary: Henry A. Naylor, 1975
Walter K. O'Loughlin, 1977
Frederick H. Rogers, Sr., 1978
One South Calvert Street, Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 383-2136
The Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, estab-
lished by Chapter 752, Acts of 1939, consists of five members appointed
by the Governor with the advice of the Secretary of Licensing and
Regulation for five-year terms. Four members must be professional
engineers and one a professional land surveyor. Professional Engi-
neers, Professional Land Surveyors and Property Line Surveyors
wishing to practice in the State of Maryland must apply to the Board
for a certificate, supplying with their application evidence of their
qualifications both in experience and training. The Board publishes
annually a Roster which contains the names of those authorized to
practice as Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and
Property Line Surveyors and issues an annual report to the Secretary
of Licensing and Regulation. The Board is a member of the National

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Maryland Manual, 1973-74
Volume 176, Page 203   View pdf image (33K)
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