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Maryland Manual, 1973-74
Volume 176, Page 169   View pdf image (33K)
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tions in the State for the development of specialized courses of study
for police officers in police science and police administration; and to
consult and cooperate with other departments and agencies of the
State concerned with police training.
The staff of the Commission also performs staff duties and respon-
sibilities in connection with the newly-created Correctional Training
Commission (Code 1957, 1971 Repl. Vol., Art. 41, sec. 70B).
Appropriations 1973 1974
General Funds ................... $134,746 $181,182
Special Grants ..48,095 47,086
TOTALS .......... $182,841 $228,268
Staff: 13.
Colonel Thomas S. Smith, Superintendent
Lieutenant Colonel Paul J. Randall, Deputy Superintendent
Lieutenant Colonel Woodrow W. Corbin, Chief, Operations Bureau
Lieutenant Colonel Carroll E. Cook, Chief, Administrative Services
Headquarters, Pikesville 21208 Telephone: 486-3101
The Department of Maryland State Police, originally established by
Chapter 303, Acts of 1935, had its functions recodified by Chapter 547,
Acts of 1968. The Agency is charged with the enforcement of the
motor vehicle and criminal laws of the State, and more specifically,
to safeguard the lives and safety of all persons within the State, to
protect property, and to assist in securing to all persons the equal
protection of law. The Agency also has the responsibility to pre-
serve the public peace, to detect and prevent crime, to enforce the
laws and ordinances of the State and its local subdivisions; to appre-
hend and arrest criminals and those who violate or are lawfully
accused of violating such laws and ordinances, to preserve order in
public places, to maintain the safe and orderly flow of traffic on
public streets and highways; to cooperate with and assist law enforce-
ment agencies in carrying out their duties, and to discharge its
duties and responsibilities with the dignity and manner which will
inspire public confidence and respect.
The Agency has State-wide jurisdiction except in incorporated
municipalities. Within such municipalities its jurisdiction is limited
to (1) when in pursuit of an offender or suspected offender; or (2)
when in search of an offender or suspected offender wanted for a
crime committed outside of the limits of the municipality, or when
interviewing or seeking to interview a witness or supposed witness
to such a crime; or (3) when requested to act by the chief executive
officer of the municipality in question or its chief police officer; or (4)
when ordered by the Governor, to act within the municipality in
question; or (5) when enforcing the motor vehicle laws of this State;
or (6) in any building or place when ordered by the President of the
Senate and the Speaker of the House, or either of them, to guard the
safety of the legislative process; or (7) to protect the safety of an
elected State official (Code 1967, 1969 Repl. Vol., Art. 88B, sees. 3,
20, and 23; 1969 Repl. Vol., 1973 Supp., Art. 88B, sec. 4). The State
Police also enforce the provisions of the Code relating to Controlled
Dangerous Substances (narcotics) throughout the State without any
limitation as to activities within municipal corporations or other
subdivisions (Code 1957, 1971 Repl. Vol., Art. 27, sec. 298A 9g).
The State Police is directed by the Superintendent, who is appointed
by the Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Senate

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Maryland Manual, 1973-74
Volume 176, Page 169   View pdf image (33K)
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