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Maryland Manual, 1971-72
Volume 175, Page 231   View pdf image (33K)
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General Funds - -
Federal Funds



Staff: 1971, 39; 1972, 41.



Chairman: Arthur G. Murphy, Sr.
Milton B. Allen, Dale Anderson, George R. Aud, R. Charles Avara,
Jack F. Browning, Francis B. Burch, Joseph G. Cannon, Leighton
V. Dudley, James H. Edwards, Ellison W. Ensor, Dulany Foster,
John J. Garrity, William W. Greenhaigh, Robert Hilson, Colonel
Robert J. Lally, Mrs. Roy Lincoln, Arthur A. Marshall, Jr„ David
T. Mason, Brig. Gen. William U. Ogletree, Frank G. Pappas,
Donald D. Pomerleau, George B. Rasin, Jr., Samuel Seidel, James
A. Sensenbaugh, Colonel Thomas S. Smith, Roy N. Staten,
Robert F. Sweeney, Edwin Tully, Victor Turyn, Fred L. Wineland.
Richard C. Wertz, Executive Director
Executive Plaza One, Suite 302,
Cockeysville 21030 Telephone: 666-9610
The Governor appointed this Commission in 1967 to replace the
Commission on Crime and Delinquency. The present Commission is
composed of thirty-one elected and appointed officials, law enforce-
ment professional and citizens with knowledge and interest in law
enforcement and justice, representing all segments of the criminal
justice system. The Commission is to evaluate the recommenda-
tions of the President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Admin-
istration, appraising the needs of the State's criminal systems and
putting into effect those proposals of the President's commission that
the State unit finds to be worthwhile for Maryland.
The Commission is the State agency responsible for law enforce-
ment, criminal justice, and crime prevention planning in Maryland.
The Commission also administers the Omnibus Crime Control and
Safe Streets Act of 1970 and the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
and Control Act of 1968. Under the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe
Streets Act the Commission is responsible for developing a compre-
hensive law enforcement and criminal justice plan and for making
grants to local governments and State agencies for programs con-
sistent with that plan.
A professional staff headed by an Executive Director and composed
of professionals in the field of law enforcement, law, correction, juve-
nile delinquency prevention and control, data systems, financial admin-
istration, auditing, and publications provides support to the Commis-
sioners. The staff develops Comprehensive Plan proposals for the
Commission's consideration, provides technical assistance to units of
local government and other State agencies, financially administers all
grant programs, and evaluates all projects funded by the Governor's
Major General Edwin Warfield III, The Adjutant General
and Ranking Line Officer
Brigadier General William U. Ogletree. Assistant Adjutant
General for Army

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Maryland Manual, 1971-72
Volume 175, Page 231   View pdf image (33K)
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