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Maryland Manual, 1971-72
Volume 175, Page 227   View pdf image (33K)
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examination of all the possibilities for the establishment of a Museum
of Negro History and Culture or a Center of Negro History and Cul-
ture. The Commission is to cooperate with educational institutions
within the State and make its report to the Governor and the General
Assembly by 1974, at which time it will go out of existence. The Com-
mission is also to conduct an extensive study of the data. collected by
the former Commission, determine the manner in which such data
could be put to its maximum use, and conduct a survey to determine
which of several existing institutions should be phased into at the
end of its three year existence. The Commission also consists of an
Advisory Committee consisting of twenty-one members (Code 1957,
1971 Repl. Vol., 1971 Supp., Art. 41, sec. 409).
Chairman: Roland H. del Mar
Gilbert A. Crandall, Andrew M. Lewis, Jr„ Vernon S. Vavrina,
George A. Zeigler.
Executive Assistant: Mrs. Leo Weintraub
918 - 16th Street, N.W.,
Washington, D. C. 20006 Telephone: 293-2494
The Governor appointed this Commission in 1968 at the request of
the General Assembly to initiate and coordinate programs designed
to foster, improve, increase, and encourage trade, tourism, and cul-
tural exchanges between the free countries of Central and South
America and the State of Maryland. The Commission consists of
representatives of business, labor, education, tourism, and the public
at large. The Commission is to explore and study, and report its
findings on, the establishment of a trade center which shall, among
other uses, be designed to foster educational exchanges between busi-
nessmen through seminars and tours; assist in obtaining federal and
state financing or foreign trade, promote investments, sales, distribu-
tions and exchanges of products, displays, educational and cultural
data, and other such services. The Commission is to report to the
Governor and General Assembly from time to time (Res. No. 21, Acts
of 1968).
(Members not yet appointed; officers not yet selected)
The Advisory Commission on Industrialized Building and Mobile
Homes was created by Chapter 662, Acts of 1971, to provide that the
Department of Economic and Community Development promulgate and
enforce rules and regulations prescribing standards for industrialized
housing units and mobile homes. The same Act provided for the
inspection of these facilities. The Commission consists of an indefinite
number of members appointed by the Secretary of Economic and
Community Development and serve at his pleasure. Those included on
the Commission consist of representatives of industries and professions
involved in the development and construction of industrialized build-
ings and mobile homes, those selected from building code enforcement
agencies, architectural and engineering associations, building construc-
tion trades, the contracting and manufacturing industry, legislative
bodies of local government the financial industry and the general
public. The Commission submits an annual report to the Secretary
and the General Assembly regarding rules, regulations and programs

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Maryland Manual, 1971-72
Volume 175, Page 227   View pdf image (33K)
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