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Maryland Manual, 1971-72
Volume 175, Page 224   View pdf image (33K)
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which had been appointed by the Governor in 1965 (Res. No. 41, Acts
of 1966).
The Commission consists of seven members appointed by the Secre-
tary of Economic and Community Development with the approval of
the Governor for five-year terms. Two of the Commissioners must be
residents of St. Mary's County and not fewer than five must be resi-
dents of the State of Maryland. The Commissioners, are selected on the
basis of ability, public spirit, and historical and professional interest.
The Commission selects its own officers. It also, subject to the approval
of the Secretary of Economic and Community Development, appoints
the Director from without its membership.
The St. Mary's City Commission was created to preserve, develop
and maintain ancient St. Mary's City, Maryland's first settlement and
for sixty-one years the colonial capital of the Province. The Commis-
sion has responsibility for the reconstructed State House of 1676
located in St. Mary's City. The Commission may acquire historical or
cultural properties pertaining to historic St. Mary's City and prop-
erties necessary for the proper use and administration of the ancient
city and its environs. The Commission may accept private gifts as
well as federal, state and local governmental grants. The Commission
reports annually to the Secretary of Economic and Community Devel-
opment and the General Assembly as to its activities during the pre-
ceding year (Code 1957, 1971 Repl. Vol., Art. 41, sees. 365-374).
Appropriations 1971 1972
General Funds ................................................ $121,183 $117,088
Program Open Space Funds............... 360,000 250,000
Federal Funds ................................................ 187,500 ........................
Staff: 8.
Leonard Elenowitz, Director
James F. Chmelik, Community Development Specialist
Grant De Hart, Community Development Specialist
94 College Avenue, Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 267-5174
The Community Development Administration, created by Chapter
527, Acts of 1970, is one of the line agencies in the Department of
Economic and Community Development. This Administration has
direct responsibility for preparation and administration of the codes
to be issued pursuant to the Mobile Home and Industrialized Housing
Act and the Model Performance Act of 1971; for the training of state
and local personnel in the field of community development; and for
providing technical assistance to local governments and to private
individuals and associations. In addition, this Administration will
oversee the operation of the Maryland Housing Fund as authorized by
the 1971 session of the General Assembly. The Community Develop-
ment Administration has, as its mission, the task of helping local
communities marshal the resources available to them under federal
and state programs as well as community resources to improve the
quality of community life. Essential policy decisions will typically be
made by elected officials in an area and a large part of the work of
this Administration is to help communities learn what alternatives
they have and then to help make sure that the decisions which are
made can be translated into successful programs (Code 1957, 1971
Repl. Vol., Art. 41, sees. 266 DD-1 - 266 DD-6).

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Maryland Manual, 1971-72
Volume 175, Page 224   View pdf image (33K)
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