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Maryland Manual, 1969-70
Volume 174, Page 363   View pdf image (33K)
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Maryland. American and Junior Bar Associations; Academy of Politi-
cal Science; Baltimore Museum of Art. Chairman of the board, Balti-
more Tutorial Project. Member, Civil Liberties Union; National Trust
for Historic Preservation; The Wilderness Society; Phi Alpha Delta;
The Johns Hopkins University Alumni Association; University of
Maryland Alumni Association. Treasurer, Baltimore Association for
Histadrut. National Board member, Habonim; Committee for Labor,
Israel. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1867. Chair-
man, Metropolitan Affairs Committee since 1967.
WINTON B. OSBORNE, Democrat, Harford County; born in
Forest Hill, September 6, 1929. Attended Harford County public
schools; Baltimore Junior College. Landscape and excavating contrac-
tor, farmer and real estate developer. Member, executive committee,
Harford County Young Democrats. President, Maryland Turf Grass
Association, Inc.; Vice president. Associated Sod Contractors, Inc.
Member, Harford County Contractors Association, Inc.; Maryland
Highway Contractors Association; Associated Builders and Contrac-
tors, Inc. Charter member and director, Forest Hill Community Asso-
ciation. Charter member, former vice president, and state director,
Bel Air Jaycees. Member, Advisory Board, Equitable Trust Company,
Bel Air Branch. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1967.
GEORGE A. PRICE, Republican, Baltimore County 3rd; born in
Phoenix, May 22. 1926. Attended Baltimore County public schools;
Mercersburg Academy, Mercersburg, Pa.; University of Maryland.
Farmer. Chairman, Baltimore County Soil Conservation District.
Member, 10th District Republican Club. Life member, 8th District
Republican Club. Member, Baltimore County Elephant Club. Past
president, Baltimore County Farm Bureau; Maryland Angus Associa-
tion; Maryland Stockman's Association. President, Maryland Red Meat
Council, Inc. Secretary-Treasurer, Maryland BCIA. Member, Balti-
more County Historical Society; Phi Kappa Sigma; Maryland National
Bank Advisory Board. Married. Member of the House of Delegates
since 1963.
LLOYAL RANDOLPH, Democrat, Baltimore City 4th; born in
Keyser, West Virginia, April 6, 1904. Attended Baltimore City public
schools. Chief Clerk, Board of Supervisors of Elections. Chairman of
the Board, Citizens' Democratic Club; Negro Democratic Council.
Member, Board of Governors, 4th District Democratic Organization of
Baltimore City, Inc. Delegate, Democratic National Convention. Chair-
man, Democratic National Committee for Maryland Minorities Divi-
sion for Franklin D. Roosevelt's fourth term, Harry S. Truman and
Adlai E. Stevenson campaigns. Statewide Vice Chairman for Governor
Lane's campaign and Governor Tawes' campaign. Member and Exalted
Ruler, Monumental Lodge of Elks No. 3. Grand Trustee of Improved
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the World. National Grand
Commissioner of Transportation of Elks Grand Lodge. Treasurer,
Mondawmin Neighborhood Club. Married. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1968. 1
LESTER B. REED, Republican, Allegany County; born in Mt.
Savage, August 10, 1908. Attended Allegany County public schools;
Catherman's Business College, Cumberland. Graduate, International
Correspondence Schools. Business Counselor, Vending Stand Depart-
ment, Maryland Workshop for the Blind. Married. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1939. Minority Leader, 1959-62 Sessions.
1 Appointed to the House of Delegates, January 5, 1968, vice Victorine Q. Adams,

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Maryland Manual, 1969-70
Volume 174, Page 363   View pdf image (33K)
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