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Maryland Manual, 1969-70
Volume 174, Page 362   View pdf image (33K)
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ANDREW O. MOTHERSHEAD, Democrat, Prince George's County
1st; born in Washington, D. C. October 4, 1926. Attended Prince
George's County public schools. Corporation officer. Member, Board of
Directors, Prince George's County Chamber of Commerce. Member
and lieutenant governor, Kiwanis International. Member, Advisory
Board, Salvation Army; Prince George's County Health Study Com-
mittee. Member, College Park Board of Trade. Chairman, Prince
George's County March of Dimes; Series E and Series H.U.S. Sav-
ings Bond Program. Married. Member of the House of Delegates
since 1967.
MARGARET A. MURPHY, Democrat, Baltimore 6th; born in Bal-
timore, June 24, 1908. Attended Baltimore parochial schools. Owner
of confectionery store. Delegate to Democratic State Convention, 1960.
President, Ladies Auxiliary, 3-4-5 Democratic Club of Morrell Park,
Inc. Member, Better Political Candidates Organization. Member of
the board, Parkway Community Improvement Association, Inc. Mem-
ber, Poplar Ridge Improvement Association of Anne Arundel County,
Inc. Secretary, The Standard Life Association. Past president, The
Maccabees Fraternal Society. Past president. The Maryland and Dis-
trict of Columbia Fraternal Congress. Member, American Legion
Auxiliary. Director and chairman of legislation. Veterans of Foreign
Wars Auxiliary. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since
HARRY W. NICE III, Republican, Baltimore County 3rd; born
in Baltimore, December 9. 1936. Attended Calvert School; St. Paul's
School; The Johns Hopkins University; University of Baltimore Law
School, LL.B., 1963. Investment banker. Served with the U. S. Army.
Secretary, Third District Republican Club of Baltimore County. Mem-
ber, Maryland Club; Merchants Club. Married. Member of the House
of Delegates since 1967.
LORETTA M. NIMMERRICHTER, Republican, Charles County;
born in Washington, D. C., June 2, 1931. Attended Charles County
public schools; Greenbrier College for Women. Housewife. Charles
County Orphans' Court Judge, 1962-66. Secretary, Republican Club of
Charles County. President, Republican Women of Charles County.
Member, Maryland Order Women Legislators; National Order Women
Legislators. Member, Delta Psi Omega; Historical Society of Charles
County; Restoration of Port Tobacco Society; Southern Maryland
Federation of Women; National Rifle Association; Izaak Walton
League (Ladies Auxiliary); Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1967.
JOHN F. X. O'BRIEN, Democrat, Baltimore 3rd; born in Baltimore,
January 26, 1936. Attended Baltimore parochial and public schools;
State highway engineering program, certificate, 1961; Eastern College
of Commerce; University of Baltimore; University of Baltimore Law
School, LL.B., 1964. Served with the U. S. Army, 1956-58. Journal
Clerk, Baltimore City Council, 1963-64, 1965-66. Married. Member of
the House of Delegates since 1967.
WALTER S. ORLINSKY, Democrat, Baltimore 2nd; born in Bal-
timore, May 19, 1938. Attended Brooklyn, N. Y., public schools; The
Johns Hopkins University, A.B., 1960; University of Maryland Law
School, LL.B., 1964. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1965. Founder,
New Democratic Club. Former president, Mt. Royal Democratic Club.
Member, New Era Democratic Club; Young Democratic Clubs of
1 Appointed to the House of Delegates, May 17, 1963, vice William J. Myers,

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Maryland Manual, 1969-70
Volume 174, Page 362   View pdf image (33K)
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