Convention, 1954 and 1958. Member, 1st District Democratic Club;
South Anne Arundel County Democratic Club; Maryland and Anne
Arundel County Bar Associations. Past vice president, Maryland
Junior Chamber of Commerce. Member, South Anne Arundel Lions
Club. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1959.
JAMES C. LATHAM, Democrat, Talbot County; born in Baltimore,
May 19, 1918. Attended Baltimore parochial and public schools; The
Johns Hopkins University. Real estate broker. Served with the U. S.
Marine Corps, 1934-38. Member, Easton City Council, 1950-54; Easton
Planning and Zoning Commission, 1950-54. Chief of operations, Talbot
County Civil Defense. Past president, Talbot County Real Estate
Board. Member, Chamber of Commerce. Past District Deputy, Elks.
Member, Knights of Columbus. Past president, Easton Lions Club.
Member, Talbot County Country Club; Isaak Walton League. Married.
Member of the House of Delegates since 1955. Chairman, Eastern
Shore delegation, 1959-61 Sessions.
SAMUEL C. LINTON, JR., Democrat, Charles County; born in
Grayton, August 21, 1923. Attended Charles County public schools.
Farm manager and businessman. Served with the 8th U. S. Air Force,
1943-46. Past director, Charles County Farm Bureau; Southern States
Cooperative. Master, Nanjemoy Grange, 1942-48. President, Nanjemoy
Volunteer Fire Department, 1950-56. Chairman, Maryland Tobacco
Growers Association, Charles County. Member, Charles County His-
torical Society; Chamber of Commerce. Married. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1959.
JOSEPH J. LONG, SR., Democrat, Wicomico County; born in Del-
mar, July 19, 1921. Attended public schools of Salisbury and Delmar;
Paynter Business School. Electrician. Served with the U. S. Air Force,
1942-46. Former member, Salisbury City Council. President, Young
Democratic Club of Wicomico County, 1960-61. Member, Salisbury
Democratic Committee. Member, East Side Men's Club; Moose;
American Legion. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since
ROBERT CHARLES BIGGY LONG, Democrat, Somerset County;
born in Westover, May 15, 1919. Attended Princess Anne public
schools; Valley Forge Military Academy, Wayne, Pa.; Beacom Busi-
ness College. Farmer, canner, and merchant. Served in U. S. Navy,
1942-45. President, Board of County Commissioners, Somerset County,
1954-58. Member, Farm Bureau; Tri-State Packers Association; Elks.
Past president, Princess Anne Lions Club. Member, American Legion;
V.F.W. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1959.
HERMUS W. LOWE, Democrat, Wicomico County; born in Delmar,
Delaware, July 12, 1914. Attended Delmar public schools. Real estate
appraiser and owner and operator of drive-in restaurant. Served with
the U. S. Navy during World War II. Member, Wicomico County
Board of County Commissioners; Wicomico County Planning and
Zoning Commission; Salisbury Planning and Zoning Commission;
Wicomico County School Building Commission. Member, Elks; Moose;
American Legion; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Exchange Club. Mar-
ried. Member of the House of Delegates since 1963.
THOMAS HUNTER LOWE, Democrat, Talbot County; born in
McDaniel, January 8, 1928. Attended St. Michaels public schools;
Baltimore City College; Towson State Teachers College; Washington
College, A. B., cum laude, 1952; University of Maryland Law School,
LL.B., 1956. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1956. Served with the