Appropriations 1961 1962
General Fund . $442,680 $461,873
Special Fund . $ 20,000 $ 20,000
Totals $462,680 $481,873
Staff, 1961: 76. Staff, 1962: 78.
Chairman: Chester A. Troy
Robert B. Alexander, John Booth, Grafton Lee Brown, Rev.
Edward G. Carroll, D. L. B. Fringer, William Gardner, Albert
D. Hutzler, Jr., James E. Kane, Gerard G. Keough, Mary T.
McCurley, Frank J. Powers, Frank E. Quinn, Willis Richard-
son, William A. Rowe, Sr., Nina Russell, Harrie M. Selznick,
H. Alexander Smith, Mrs. Frederick F. Smyth, John F,
Strahan, J. Carey Taylor, Alvin Thalheimer, Louise P.
Thompson, R. C. Thompson, Paul Wagner, Rev. Donzel C.
1100 N. Eutaw Street, Baltimore I Telephone: 727-6900
The Governor's Committee to Promote Employment of the Handi-
capped was established by the Governor in 1947 in response to a
request by the President of the United States. The Governor appoints
the chairman and committee members, and all serve without compen-
sation. Committee funds are used for promotional materials, station-
ery and printing, postage, editorial services, contest prizes, expansion
of local programs, and conferences.
The Governor's Committee functions primarily as an educational and
public relations instrument to create a public awareness of the prob-
lems faced by handicapped individuals in finding employment; to co-
operate with all groups, public and private, in promoting services for
the handicapped; and to initiate and promote programs to stimulate
hiring the handicapped.
To reach all sections of the State, twenty-four local committees have
been organized, one in each county and one in Baltimore. The Gover-
nor's Committee acts as liaison between the President's Committee and
local committees. To coordinate the program and to keep committees
informed on State and national activities, a monthly newsletter goes
out to each member in the State. Each year the committee sponsors
essay and poster contests among high school juniors and seniors as a
means of arousing public awareness of the issues inherent in the re-
habilitation program for Maryland's disabled citizens.
Appropriations 1961 1962
General Funds $3,500 $3,500
Chairman: William C. Rogers, Sr., 1963
Vice Chairman: Israel M. Goldman, 1963
Edward N. Wilson, 1963; G. Cheston Carey, Sr., 1965; Mrs.
Henry E. Corner, 1965; Furman L. Templeton, 1965; S.
Edwin Smith, 1967; Richard H. Thomas, 1967.
Douglas Sands, Executive Secretary
Alice 1. Thomas, Secretary