Martin D. Jenkins, Ph.D., President
Albert N. Whiting, Ph.D., Dean
Edward N. Wilson, D.S.S., Registrar
E. Lloyd Davis, A.M„ Business Manager
Gilbert F. Stricker, LL.B„ Comptroller
John G. Gloster, M.B.A., Assistant to the President
Hillen Road at Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore 12 Telephone: 254-6870
Morgan State College was organized in 1867, under the auspices of
the Methodist Episcopal Church, as the Centenary Biblical Institute.
The school remained under church jurisdiction until the State of Mary-
land purchased it by Chapter 331, Acts of 1939. In 1890, the school's
name had been changed to Morgan College in honor of Dr. Lyttleton
Morgan, whose gift of a large sum of money enabled the school to
offer academic work at the college level
The College is fully accredited by the Middle States Association of
Colleges and Secondary Schools and by the Department of Education
of Maryland. It is also approved by the Regents of the University of
the State of New York, and by the American Medical Association.
The curriculum at Morgan State College is organized into three
divisions: Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. Within
these divisions are included eighteen departments offering courses
leading to the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees.
Emphasis is placed upon the presentation of a standard four-year
course in the liberal arts and teacher training, both elementary and
secondary. Both day and evening courses are offered, and at the
present time, students may complete all requirements for the major
in Business Administration, Sociology, and History through study in
the Evening College. A Summer Session is conducted as a part of the
regular work of the college, and includes "in-service training" for
teachers in Maryland schools.
During the academic year 1960-61, Morgan had an enrollment in all
divisions of 3251, including 2427 day students, 364 evening students,
and 982 summer students.
Appropriations 1961 1962
General Funds $1,879,230 $1,907,736
Special Funds 851,716 939,730
Federal Funds 65,000 76,000
Totals -.. $2,769,946 $2,923,466
Staff: Professional and Faculty 155, Classified Service 200.
Board of Trustees
President: R. Bascom Broun, Jr., 1965
Blaine H. Eig, 1963; Mrs. William S. Morsell, Jr., 1963- Kent
Roberts Mullikin, 1963; George L. Radcliffe, 1963; Edward
Early, 1965; Mrs. George L. Ewalt, Jr., 1965; William Aleck
Loker, 1965; C. Ethelbert Abell, 1967; Mrs. Felix Boone, 1967.
Felix Johnson, 1967.
May Russell, President
St. Mary's City (St. Mary's County) Telephone: Great Mills I
St. Mary's Seminary Junior College was chartered by Chapter 190,
Acts of 1839. It received its present name by Chapter 676, Acts of
1949. It is governed by a board of twelve trustees appointed by the