seek to prevent the introduction of any injurious insect and plant
disease into Maryland and to control and eradicate insects and disease
within the state. Major activities include Nursery Inspection, Japanese
Beetle Retardation and Quarantine Inspection, Apiary Inspection, Mos-
quito Control, Oak Wilt Eradication, White Pine Blister, Rust Control,
Dutch Elm Disease Control and Potato Seed Inspection (Code 1957,
Art. 48, sees. 70-110, 190-99).
State Department of Markets
The State Department of Markets carries on a number of programs
designed to serve the every day needs of the farmer in marketing his
products and to insure an equitable flow of these products in the
marketing channels. The Department offers a grading and inspection
service, market price reporting, and a marketing service and informa-
tion program. In some of this work it cooperates with the United
States Department of Agriculture. The Department enforces the Egg
Grade, Size and Labeling Law, the Weights and Measures Law, and
Cantaloupe Maturity Law and issues licenses required under the Poul-
try Sale and Transportation Law (Code 1957, Art. 66G, sees. 65-83,
104-10; Art. 48, sees. 160-166E, 184-89; Art. 97, sees. 1-63, 66-70).
State Inspection Service
The State Inspection Service enforces the State laws relating to
feed, fertilizer, agricultural liming material and agricultural liming
material and agricultural pesticides. These laws are classified as the
"Correct Labeling Acts." The agency's work consists of registration
of brand names; collection, chemical analysis, and examination of
samples; publication of results of tests; and prosecution of violators
(Code 1957, Art. 48, sees. 116-128, amended Acts 1960, Chap. 103;
Art. 66G, sees. 471-485).
Dairy Inspection Service
The Dairy Inspection Service administers the dairy inspection laws
of Maryland. It issues permits to dairy plants and operators of bulk
milk tank trucks; examines and licenses milk and cream weighers,
samplers and testers; checks calibration of the glassware used in
testing milk and cream; check-tests milk and cream samples of plants
and commercial laboratories; checks accuracy of weighing and measur-
ing devices in dairy plants; and checks calibrations of farm milk tanks
(Code 1957, Art. 43, sees. 669-97).
Seed Inspection Service
The Seed Inspection Service enforces the Maryland Seed Law. All
seeds sold within the state must be properly labeled and inspected,
sampled, and analyzed to insure compliance with label declaration. The
Service checks samples for purity, noxious weed seed and germination.
It also analyzes seeds on request of firms and individuals (Code 1957,
Art. 48, sees. 148-59).