are located and administrative headquarters as well as provisions for
the maintenance of experimental herds, flocks, field and tree plots and
for investigations on soils, insect and disease control (Chapter 55,
Acts of 1888).
Several outlying farms are maintained for research purposes. These
experimental farms include the Tobacco Experimental Farm at Upper
Marlboro; the Dairy-Agronomy Research Farm near Ellicott City,
devoted to dairy and related forage studies; the Poultry-Vegetable
Research Farm, at Salisbury, for studies on broiler and vegetable
problems; and the Livestock Experimental Farm near Waterloo for
research with cattle and swine. These different locations support and
supplement the programs of research at the main station (Code 1957,
Art. 66C, sees. 58-60).
The Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Eco-
nomics was established by Federal and State laws in 1914 and is sup-
ported by Federal, State, and County funds (Chapter 247, Acts of
1914). Each county of the State is represented by a County Agricul-
tural Agent and a Home Demonstration Agent, A State office to pro-
vide administrative direction and technical assistance is located at the
University of Maryland. Scientific and economic information related
to production and marketing in agriculture and in the field of home
economics is provided to the people of the State. The youth of the
State are served through the 4-H Club program. Short Courses in
various fields are also provided (Code 1957, Art. 66C, sees. 56-57).
The Board of Regents of the University of Maryland acts as the
State Board of Agriculture. As such, it administers the laws of the
State relating to agricultural service and control programs. Important
phases of the agricultural programs include animal disease control;
plant pest control; marketing activities; inspection service for feed,
fertilizer, pesticides, dairies, and seed; and soil conservation and
drainage (Code 1957, Art. 66C, sees. 46-60).
Live Stock Sanitary Service
The Live Stock Sanitary Service is charged with the responsibility
of keeping animal and poultry diseases from entering the State and
controlling and eradicating such diseases within the State. In coopera-
tion with the State Department of Health, it endeavors to suppress
disease of animals or poultry which affect the public health. Facilities
for the diagnosis of diseases are located at the main laboratory at
College Park and at branch laboratories in Salisbury, Preston, Centre-
ville, Bel Air, Frederick, Hagerstown and Oakland (Code 1967, Art.
66C, sees. 412-70).
Plant Pest Control
The State Entomologist and the State Plant Pathologist are respon-
sible for the control of insects and plant diseases. Their programs