Noel E. Foss, Ph.D., Dean of School of Pharmacy
Ladislaus F. Grapski, M.B.A., Director of University Hospital
Paul E. Nystrom, Ph.D., Director of Agricultural Extension
lrvin C. Haut, Ph.D., Director of Agricultural Experiment
Paul R. Poffenberger, Ph.D., Assistant Dean (Instruction),
College of Agriculture
Theodore B. Aylesworth, M.A., Professor of Air Science and
Commandant of Cadets, Air Force R.O.T.C.
Geary F. Eppley, M.S., Dean of Men
Helen E. Clarke, Ph.D., Dean of Women
C. Wilbur Cissel, M.A., C.P.A., Director of Finance and Business
Howard Rovelstad, M.A., B.S.L.S., Director of Libraries
G. Watson Algire, M.S., Director of Admissions
Vacancy, Registrar
Lester M. Dyke, M.D., Director of Student Health Service
George W. Fogg, M.A., Director of Personnel
George O. Weber, B.S., Director of Physical Plant and Super-
vising Engineer
H. Palmer Hopkins, M.S., Director, Office of Student Aid
Clayton R. Plummer, M.Ed.., Director of Procurement and Supply
College Park (Prince George's County) Telephone: Warfield 7-3800
Lombard and Greene Streets, Baltimore I Telephone: 752-1100
University Hospital, Baltimore I Telephone: 539-0320
The University of Maryland is the State university and the "Land-
Grant" institution of Maryland.
The present University of Maryland is the result of the merger of
the former privately owned University of Maryland located in Balti-
more with the former Maryland State College at College Park. The
former University of Maryland was founded in 1807 as the College of
Medicine of Maryland (Chapter 53, Acts of 1807). In 1812, it enlarged
its curriculum and changed its name to the University of Maryland
(Chapter 159, Acts of 1812). Subsequently, it added faculties of law
(1823), dentistry (1882), nursing (1889), and pharmacy (1904). The
Maryland State College of Agriculture was founded by Chapter 114,
Acts of 1856, as the Maryland Agricultural College, a private institu-
tion at College Park, and became the beneficiary of the Land-Grant
Act of 1862. By Chapter 129, Acts of 1914, the State assumed complete
control of the school and in 1916 the Legislature granted it a new
charter, which renamed the school the Maryland State College of
Agriculture (Chapter 372, Acts of 1916). The General Assembly con-
solidated the University of Maryland and the Maryland State College
of Agriculture in 1920 and gave the name University of Maryland to
the new institution (Chapter 480, Acts of 1920).
The University is under the administration of a Board of Regents
consisting of eleven members appointed by the Governor by and with
the advice and consent of the Senate. Members appointed to the Board
prior to i960 serve for nine years; members appointed in 1960 and
thereafter serve for terms of seven years (Code 1967, 1961 Supp., Art.
77, sec. 249B). The Board of Regents, within the limits prescribed by
law, may issue revenue bonds to finance the building of dormitories
and other student housing facilities, student union buildings (at Col-
lege Park and Baltimore), and a combination Physical Education and