2901 Strickland Street, Baltimore 23 Telephone: 233-4567
The Maryland Workshop for the Blind is a State-aided institution
established by the General Assembly by Chapter 666, Acts of 1908.
Control is vested in a board of five trustees; three are appointed by
the Governor, with Senate approval, and two are elected by the Board
of Directors of the Maryland School for the Blind.
The Workshop operates through departments. The Industrial De-
partment manufactures sterile wrappers and surgical drapes for use
in hospital operating rooms; mailing bags, corn brooms and mops;
canes and repairs chairs. The Home Service Department provides
teaching for the blind in their homes and aids them in their personal
adjustment to blindness, and the Vending Stand Department licenses,
establishes, and operates vending stands in many of the public build-
ings of the State. In addition, the Workshop is the distributing agency
of the Library of Congress for the U. S. Government owned talking
book machines. It also provides white canes without charge to blind
persons (Code 1957, Art. 30, sees. 4-10).
Appropriations 1961 1962
General Funds $205,320 $205,320
Staff: 47.
The Board of Regents and State Board of Agriculture
Chairman: Charles P. McCormick, Sr., 1966
G. E. Tuttle, 1962; T. B. Symons, 1963; Thomas W. Pangborn,
1965; Harry H. Nuttle, 1966; B. Herbert Brown, 1967; Mrs. John
L. Whitehurst, 1967; Edward F. Holter, 1968; Louis L. Kaplan,
1968; William C. Walsh, 1968; Richard W. Case, 1970.
Wilson H. Elkins, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer
Albin O. Kuhn, Ph.D., Executive Vice President
Frank L. Bentz, Jr., Ph.D., Assistant, President's Office
Alvin E. Cormeny, LL.B., Assistant to the President in Charge
of Endowment and Development
R. Lee Hornbake, Ph.D., Vice President for Academic Affairs
B. James Borreson, B.A., Executive Dean for Student Life
Gordon M. Cairns, Ph.D., Dean of Agriculture
Leon P. Smith, Ph.D., Dean of College of Arts and Sciences
John T. Williams, Ed.D., President, Maryland State College
L. Eugene Cronin, Ph.D., Director, Natural Resources Institute
J. Freeman Pyle, Ph.D., Dean of College of Business and Public
Vernon E. Anderson, Ph.D., Dean of College of Education
Frederic T. Mavis, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Engineering
Ronald Bamford, Ph.D., Dean of Graduate School
Selma Lippeatt, Ph.D., Dean of College of Home Economics
Lester M. Fraley, Ph.D., Dean of College of Physical Education,
Recreation and Health
Ray W. Ehrensberger, Ph.D., Dean of University College
Myron S. Aisenberg, D.D.S.., Dean of School of Dentistry
Roger Howell, LL.B., Ph.D., Dean of School of Law
William S. Stone, M.D., Ph.D., Dean of School of Medicine
Florence M. Gipe, Ed.D., R.N„ Dean of School of Nursing