FRANCIS X. GALLAGHER, Democrat, Baltimore 3rd; born in
Baltimore, February 25, 1928. Attended Baltimore parochial schools;
Loyola College, A.B., magna cum laude, 1949; Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity, 1949-54, M.A., 1951; University of Maryland Law School,
LL.B., 1952. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1952. Instructor in
American Government, Johns Hopkins University, 1950-58; instructor,
Loyola College, University of Maryland, and University of Baltimore,
1952-58. Editor, Baltimore Community Handbook, 1953. Member, Re-
search Staff, Commission to study the Structure of the Baltimore
County Government, 1953-54. Assistant City Solicitor, City of Balti-
more, 1963-56, 1967-59. Commissioner, Baltimore Equal Employment
Opportunities Commission, 1956-69. Member, National Association of
Parliamentarians; Board of Directors, National Conference of Chris-
tians and Jews. Married. Member of the House of Delegates, 1959-61.
Resigned, June 12,1961.
PAUL B. GARBELMAN, Democrat, Prince George's County; born
in Washington, D. C., May 9, 1921. Attended Washington, D. C., paro-
chial and public schools; Strayer College of Accountancy, B.C.S.,
M.C.S.; Benjamin Franklin University. Certified public accountant and
college professor. Served with the U. S. Army, 1941-46. Commissioner,
Town of District Heights, 1956-59. Member, Prince George's County
Committee on Problems of the Aging, i96O. President, Prince George's
County Democratic Club since 1959. Member, Gateway Park Corpora-
tion; Prince George's County Chamber of Commerce; Southern Mary-
land Board of Trade; American Institute of Certified Public Account-
ants; District of Columbia Society of Certified Public Accountants;
Eastern Business Teachers Association; Maryland Association of Cer-
tified Public Accountants. Married. Member of the House of Delegates
since 1961. 1
P. PARKE GEIGER, JR., Democrat, Washington County; born in
Hagerstown, September 10, 1905. Attended Hagerstown public schools.
Merchant. Personnel Director, City of Hagerstown, 1955-59. Member,
Elks; Rotary. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1959.
MORTON H. GETZ, Democrat, Harford County; born in Baltimore,
November 29, 1926. Attended Bel Air public schools; University of
Baltimore; University of Baltimore Law School, LL.B., 1952. Admitted
to the Maryland Bar, 1953. Justice of the Peace, Harford County,
1955-59. Member, Harford County Bar Association; Odd Fellows.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1959.
JOSEPH H. HAHN, JR., Republican, Carroll County; born near
Westminster, July 10, 1918. Attended Westminster public schools;
Peabody Conservatory of Music. General manager, secretary-treasurer,
meat packing company. Member, Young Republican Club; Chamber
of Commerce; Carroll County Farm Bureau; National Independent
Meat Packers Association; National Locker Association. Married.
Member of the House of Delegates since 1943.
PRESTON L. HALE, Democrat, Carroll County; born in Hamp-
stead, October 15, 191O. Attended Baltimore and Carroll County public
schools. Insurance and real estate agent. Supervisor of Elections,
Carroll County, 1951-54. Member, Maryland Farm Bureau; Masons.
Past president, Lions Club of Hampstead. Married. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1959.
1Appointed to the House of Delegates, January 3, 1961, vice Ernest A. Loveless,
Jr., resigned.