Committee, 1961. Member, Elks; Lions; Moose. Commodore, Bush
River Yacht Club, 1954. Married. Member of the House of Delegates
since 1961. 1
JAMES S. DEMBOWSKI, Democrat, Baltimore 1st; born in Balti-
more, July 28, 1916. Attended Baltimore parochial and public schools.
Hotel and tavern operator, longshoreman. Served with U. S. Navy in
World War II. Member, Board of Governors, 2nd Ward Polish-Amer-
ican Democratic Club. Married. Member of the House of Delegates
since 1959.
IRMA GEORGE DIXON, Democrat, Baltimore 4th; born in Balti-
more. Attended Baltimore public schools; Coppin Normal School;
Morgan State College, B.S. Former teacher in Baltimore public
schools; retailer. Member, Executive Board, Baltimore Urban League;
Advisory Board, Department of Public Welfare; N.A.A.C.P.; Life
Members Guild, National Council of Negro Women; The School Marms;
Y.W.C.A.; Lambda Kappa Mu. Married. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1959.
BENNIE C, DOWELL, Democrat, Calvert County; born in Lusby,
October 27, 190O. Attended Calvert County public schools. Seafood
dealer. Member, Masons; Shrine; Lions; Y.M.C.A.; Solomons Island
Yacht Club. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1956.
FRED B. DRISCOLL, Republican, Allegany County; born in
Roanoke, Virginia, September 20, 1895. Attended Cumberland public
schools. Barber. Clerk, Board of Election Supervisors, Allegany County,
1935-39. Member, Allegany County Republican State Central Com-
mittee, 1942-5O. Chairman, Memorial Tree Committee, Cumberland
Sesquicentennial, 1937. Member, Cumberland Flood Control Committee;
Maryland and D. C. Barbers Association; Masons; Moose; Optimists.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1951. Member, Leg-
islative Council, 1955. Chairman, Allegany County Delegation, 1959-61.
TILGHMAN EATON, Democrat, Queen Anne's County; born in
Chester, September 1, 1886. Attended Chester public schools. Water-
man. Member, Junior Order, Married. Member of the House of Dele-
gates since 1955.
HENRY J. FOWLER, Democrat, St. Mary's County; born in Me-
chanicsville, August 5, 1909. Attended St. Mary's County public
schools; Charlotte Hall Military Academy; Newspaper Institute of
America. Secretary and treasurer of gas company, farmer, real estate
broker. Served with U. S. Army, 1942-45. Member, Board of Directors,
St. Mary's County Historical Society; Red Cross; United Givers Fund.
Past president, St. Mary's County Welfare Board. Institutional
Representative, Boy Scouts of America. Member, Farm Bureau; St.
Mary's County Fair Board. Second Vice President, Mechanicsville
Lions Club. Member, Knights of Columbus. Married. Member of the
House of Delegates, 1951-55, and since 1959. Chairman, Entertainment
Committee since 1959.
SOL J. FRIEDMAN, Democrat, Baltimore 4th; born in Baltimore,
March 20, 1919. Attended Baltimore public schools; University of
Baltimore, LL.B., 1945. Member of the Maryland Bar. Former Unit
Chief in Enforcement Section, OPA. Member, American Bar Associa-
tion; Junior Bar Association of Baltimore City; National Association
of Claimants' Compensation Attorneys; Knights of Pythias; Elks;
Masons; Shrine; B'nai B'rith. Married. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1955.
1 Appointed to the House of Delegates, March 24, 1961, vice Joseph D. Tydings,