Maryland, and Kent County Bar Associations. Past president, Ches-
tertown Lions Club. Member, Masons; Shrine. Married. Member of
the House of Delegates since 1969.
ELZA E. BRAY, Republican, Garrett County; born in Kitzmiller,
August 20, 1894. Attended Kitzmiller public schools. Life insurance
salesman. Served in World War 1. Past City Councilman, Lock Lynn
Heights. Past Chancellor Commander, Knights of Pythias Lodge No.
113, Oakland; Past Commander, American Legion Post 71, Oakland.
Member, Garrett County Historical Society. Married. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1959.
CHARLES R. BROCKMEYER, Democrat, Anne Arundel County;
born in Baltimore, November 18, 1915. Attended Baltimore parochial
schools. Salesman. Served in World War II. Member, Knights of
Columbus; Severna Park Kiwanis Club. Unmarried. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1959.
EDWARD WALTER BROOKS, Democrat, Baltimore 3rd; born in
Baltimore, September 22, 1895. Attended Baltimore public schools.
Haberdasher. Member, Gardenville Improvement Association; Moose;
Junior Order. Past President, Belair Road Kiwanis Club. Former
president, Maryland State Baseball Association; Amateur Baseball
Association. President, Inter-State Baseball Association. Married.
Member of House of Delegates since 1955.
ELBERT E. BUCKEL, Democrat, Garrett County; born in Bittinger,
September 6, 1914. Attended Garrett County public schools; New York
State Ranger School of Forestry. Farmer. Served in U. S. Army,
1941-56. Member, 4-H Club; Woodmen of the World; American Legion.
Unmarried. Member of the House of Delegates since 1959.
JOSEPH E. BULLOCK, Democrat, Baltimore 1st; born in Baltimore,
November 21, 1923. Attended Baltimore parochial and public schools.
Foreman, Street Repairs, City of Baltimore. Served in U. S. Navy,
1943-46. Member, Cornwall Democratic Club; United Democratic Club
of the 26th Ward; Our Lady of Pompei Holy Name Society. Married.
Member of the House of Delegates since 1959.
WILLIAM F. BURKLEY, Democrat, Cecil County; born in Elkton,
January 31, 193O. Attended Cecil County public schools; University
of Richmond; Goldey Business College, Wilmington, Delaware; Uni-
versity of Maryland Law School. Insurance and real estate broker.
Member, Kiwanis. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since
JAMES H. CALDWELL, Democrat, Wicomico County; born in
Janesville, Wisconsin, January 13, 1916. Attended Wisconsin public
schools. Proprietor of insurance agency. Member, Salisbury City
Council, 1951-52. Chairman, Wicomico County Democratic State Central
Committee, 1954-58. Member and past president, Board of Trustees,
Wicomico Presbyterian Church. Chairman, Salisbury District Boy
Scouts; Youth and Civic Center Fund. Director, United Fund and
Red Cross. Past president, Salisbury Junior Chamber of Commerce.
Member, Salisbury Chamber of Commerce; Lions; East Side Men's
Club. President and National Director, Pony League Baseball, 1953-58.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1959.
County; born in Salisbury, March 25, 1917. Attended Salisbury public
schools; Salisbury State Teachers College; University of Maryland,