the preparation of Community Economic Inventories and other business
and industrial reference and promotional publications.
The Research Division is responsible for the accumulation, analysis,
and presentation of state-wide and regional economic data for the
Department and for the conduct of studies to determine areas of special
economic opportunity for the State and ways of exploiting such oppor-
tunities for the maximum benefit of the State and its residents. Insofar
as is practicable the Division assembles, classifies, and makes readily
available all data pertaining to Maryland's economic resources and
problems; it analyzes that data and translates it into accurate and
concise answers to authentic inquiries; makes special studies in re-
sponse to unusual or important demands; and systematically explores
Maryland's economy in search of special advantages for any particular
industry, tourist or recreational facility or activity, or other beneficial
economic opportunity.
The Tourist Development and Publicity Division promotes and pub-
licizes Maryland's tourist and recreational advantages. The Division
actively cooperates with and assists local, regional, and state-wide
travel, historical, and recreational groups in fostering and implement-
ing activities and programs which will increase tourist travel and
vacationing in Maryland. This includes the preparation and distribution
of literature on Maryland's recreational, scenic, and historical assets,
and publicizing and advertising the tourist and recreational appeals
of the State. The Division also answers travel and tourist inquiries
from publications, tourists, vacationers, residents, students, and public
and private agencies. This involves mailing out hundreds of thousands
of pieces of literature yearly and preparing many special reports and
articles as well as radio and TV scripts ana advertising copy.
In addition, the Commission may appoint boards and committees
representing economic groups within the State to advise and assist
in the accomplishment of the aims and fulfillment of the duties of the
Commission (Code 1967, 1960 Supp„ Art. 41, sees. 257-266).
Appropriations 1961 1962
General Fund $273,000 $332,002
Staff: 34.
President; John J. Ghinger
Vice President: S. Page Nelson, Jr.
Vice President: L. Vinton Hershey
Treasurer: Vernon T. Pittinger
Secretary-Assistant Treasurer: R. Austin Tydings
Charles P. Crane, R. Roy Dunn, L. Vinton Hershey, John A.
Leutkemeyer, James B. Morrison, Scott S. Bair, W. Griffin
Morrel, W. Tracy Holland, J. McKenny Willis, Jr., J. Pierre
Bernard, James P. Casbarian, Benjamin L. Shuff, William
C. Walsh, John J. Ghinger, Leonard A. A. Siems.
Regional Loan Committees
Central Region: Scott S. Bair, Chairman, Irwin P. Trail, R. Lee
Mitchell, J. Carroll Jenkins, Norman B. Boyle.