1963; Bernard Manekin, Baltimore City, 1965; C. Awdry
Thompson, Dorchester County, 1965; Martin Dwyer, Cecil
County, 1966; Harold J. Lipscomb, Baltimore City, 1966; J.
Frank Raley, Jr., St. Mary's County, 1966; Howard E. Harri-
son, Jr., Howard County, 1967; William L. Jones, Baltimore
City, 1967; A. V. Williams, Baltimore County, 1967.
The Department
George W. Hubley, Jr., Director
William A. Pate, Deputy Director
Robert M. Sparks, Chief of Industrial and Business Development
Robert C. Snyder, Chief of Research
Thomas H. Briddell, Acting Chief of Tourist Development and
State Office Building, Annapolis Telephone: Colonial 8-3371
Evenings: Colonial 8-2146
The General Assembly created the Department of Economic Develop-
ment and the Economic Development Commission by Chapter 185, Acts
of 1959 "for the general purpose of advancing the economic welfare of
the people through programs and activities to develop . . . the State's
natural resources and economic opportunities pertaining to commerce,
agriculture, mining, forestry, transportation, travel, tourism, and recre-
ation, and to promote and encourage the location of new industries and
businesses in the State . . . and . . . the retention and expansion of
present enterprises . . . and to foster and develop gainful employment
. - ." for residents of the State.
The new department superseded the former Department of Informa-
tion, established in 1948 as a division of the Hall of Records, and estab-
lished as a separate agency by Chapter 665, Acts of 1949.
The Commission consists of twelve members appointed by the Gov-
ernor with the advice and consent of the Senate. Members serve for six
years and have overlapping tenure of office. Two represent the Eastern
Shore; two. Central Maryland; two, Southern Maryland; two, Western
Maryland; two, Baltimore City; and two, the State at large. Members
serve without compensation and may be reappointed. The chairman is
chosen by the Governor and serves at his pleasure. The Commission
selects and the Governor appoints the Director of the Department,
The Department assembles and disseminates information in the
interest of economic, industrial, and tourist development; conducts
studies to determine areas of special economic opportunity for the State
and ways of exploiting such opportunities for the maximum benefit of
the State and its residents; enters into contracts; and is empowered to
utilize all existing State agencies, boards, commissions, and institutions
as sources of information, except in such cases as are provided by law
to be confidential and secret.
The programs of the Department are carried out through its three
The Business and Industrial Development Division promotes and pub-
licizes Maryland's advantages and opportunities for the location of new
business and industries and the expansion of existing enterprises, and
works with prospects and communities toward these ends. It initiates
and maintains contacts with business and industrial prospects, answers
their requests for information, and informs them about all Maryland
locations which might meet their requirements. It assists, encourages,
and cooperates with community, regional, and area development efforts,
both public and private, including working with community groups in