transportation ............... 120
uniform, interstate ......... 149-50
utilities ...,.....,.,. ,...120-21
water pollution control...... 108-09
water wells .,.,,..,-.,..... 106
see also Inspection; Licenses
chronically ill ............... 66
handicapped ...............56,79
prison ............. .82, 83, 81, 85
Rehabilitation, Division of Vocational,
State Department of Education. . . 53
Relief fund, veterans ...,..,,..,.. 137
Reporter, State .................. 217
Representatives, U.S., from Maryland:
election returns ....363-64,879-80,
historical list ........595, 598-603
ineligible for General Assembly. 179
Reprieve, power of............... 36
Republican Party:
in election returns, 1956,
in election returns, 1958,
on Legislative Council......:. 182
in 1959 Session, General
Assembly - —,,., 182, 189
State Central committees.... 407-11
voter registrations ........... 373
Republican State Central Committees,
Repudiation Day ..............24,607
agricultural ....... .59-61, 133, 159
business .................... 174
courts ...................... 219
fiscal ....................47,166
fish ............... 107-08,150-51
governmental .............112,174
health .....................64-65
labor market ......... 123, 127, 128
Legislative Council ........... 181
natural resources .......... 107-08
tobacco marketing ........... 133
water pollution .............. 151
Research, Division of Finance and
State Department of Education . . . 52
Research and Analysis Division, De-
partment of Employment Security. 128
Research and Education, Commission
of .........................107-08
Research and Education, Department
ot ...............99,107-08,171-72
Research and Planning, Division of,
State Department of Health , , . . . 65
Research Division, Legislative Council 181
Resident Judges:
elected ..................... 301 |
see also officers wider individual
Resolutions, 1959 Legislative Session 182
Retail Sales Tax Division, Comp-
troller of the Treasury, ,....,,.. 39
Retirement system:
Baltimore City .............. 354
Employees ..,,....,..,. .41,49-51)
Police 41,51
Teachers ..................41,50
Revenue, State:
estimated .................. 40-41
managed ................30-31,33
sources of ................ 222-38
Revenue Authority:
Baltimore County ............ 311
Montgomery County .......... 333
Revenue E.stimates, Board of. . . .. .40-41
Revenue Estimates, Bureau of.. ...40-41
Revolutionary Interregnum ., . ., .574-75
Revolutionary War .............. 24-25
Right of Way Department, State
Roads Commission ............93-94
Rivers of Maryland:
navigable ................... 17
Patuxent ................... 112
Potomac . . . . . .27, 100, 109-10, 112,
Road Camps, prison ............ .82, 83
Road Commission, Frederick County. 323
Road Superintendent, Howard County 328
Road Supervisor:
Allegany County ............. 305
Garrett County .............. 324
Washington County .......... 344
fifteen year building program. 29-30
financing for ............93,94-95
planning for .............114,116
and prison labor. .......... .83, 84
see also Motor Vehicles, Depart-
ment of; Roads Boards, County;
Roads Commission, State ;iRoads
engineers and Supervisors
Roads, Bureau of Public (U.S.)... 9-J
Roads Boards, County
appointed .................302-03
see also officers under individual
Roads Commission, State:
duties ..................31,92-96
and planning ................ 114
publications ................. 172
reorganized, 1959 Legislative
Session ................... 182
representation on State agencies,
and weather forecasts ........ 90
Roads Department, Dorchester County 321 |