area ....................... 617
County seat ............. .337, 609
Court terms ................. 611
Delegates ,— ,, ,...189,370
Democratic Committee ........ 406
in Eastern Shore Economic Region 131
election districts ............. 628
In First Congressional District. 594
Forestry District ............ 103
name and origin ............. 609
officers, appointment of 301-03, 338n
officers listed ............. 337-38
population ...........621,628,630
Republican Committee ........ 410
in Second Judicial Circuit. . . . . 218
Senator .................186,367
State Roads Commission
representation ............. 92
taxable basis ................ 296
towns ....................615-16
Racing Commission, Maryland,
Radio communication service....... 90
Radio Stations, Maryland.... 635-37, 638
assessed .................... 43
licensed ....... 39
regulated ................... 120
Range Approval Committee, Mont-
gomery County ................ 333
Ranking Line Officer, Military
Department ................... 87
Real Estate Commission......... 122-23
Receipts, Cash, State Treasury:
fiscal year 1958. .......... .222-29
fiscal year 1959. .......... .229-38
Record. Centers .................. 135
accident ...................90,99
archival ..................135-36
Court of Appeals,...,,.....,. 217
disposal .................... 38
Management Prograin ........ 135
post-mortem ................. 91
vital statistics .....,......,,64,65
Records, Hall of................. 135
areas. State Forests .......... 104
planning for ..............114-16
see also Recreation, Board of;
Recreation, Department of; Rec-
reation and Parks, Board of;
Recreation Commission
Recreation, Board of:
Anne Arundel County .... 307. 307n
Baltimore County ............ 310 |
Montgomery County .......... 332
Prince George's County...335, 335n
Recreation, Department of:
Anne Arundel County. ........ 307
Baltimore County .,......,.., 310
Montgomery County .......... 332
Recreation and Parks, Baltimore City
Board of ..................... 352
Recreation Commission, Wicomico
County ................... 346, 346n
proposals for ................ 180
returns filed ................ 37
see also Constitutional Amendments
Reformatory for Males, Maryland
State ..................... 83-84,86
Reformatory for Women, Maryland
State ........................84,66
Regents, Board of, University of
Maryland .............57,58,59,160
Regional District, Maryland-
Washington ................... 115
•Regional Planning Council, Baltimore,
Regional Planning Council, National
Capital ....................... 114
Register of Wills:
Baltimore City .............. 349
books audited ............... 42
counsel ..................... 46
elected ..................... 301
see also officers under individual
Registered nurses ................ 144
Registration Figures, Voter........ 373
see Licenses; Regulation
Registry, Permanent Boards of:
see Permanent Board of Registry
aviation .................... 121
banking .................. 117-18
boxing and wrestling ......... 121
child labor ................ 123-24
drugs .................... 143-44
electric wiring .............. 139
employment agency .......... 123
finance company ........... 119-20
fishery .........99,100-02,150-51
gas and oil resources......... 106
insurance company .........118-19
migratory labor ............154-55
motion picture ........ 121-22, 139
racing .......................122
real estate ................ 122-23
sewage disposal ............. 120
see also water pollution
steam boiler ................ 124
tobacco commission agency . . . . 133 |