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Maryland Manual, 1959-60
Volume 168, Page 194   View pdf image (33K)
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president. Board of Managers, Rosewood State Training School. Direc-
tor and vice-president, Laurel Building Association; director, Patapsco
National Bank of Ellicott City; past president, Howard County Medical
Society. Member, Eastern Star; Masons; Maryland Jockey Club.
Married. Member of the Senate since 1955.

GEORGE E. SNYDER, Democrat, Washington County; born in
Hagerstown, January 12, 1929. Attended Hagerstown public schools;
University of Maryland; University of Maryland Law School. Whole-
saler. Member, Hagerstown Kiwanis Club. Past president, Hagers-
town Junior Chamber of Commerce, 1956; Maryland Junior Chamber
of Commerce. Former member, Board of Directors, and Membership
Chairman, United States Junior Chamber of Commerce, 1958. Re-
ceived Clayton Frost Award, 1957, as outstanding State Junior
Chamber of Commerce President. Married. Member of the Senate
since 1959.

EDWARD O. WEANT, JR„ Democrat, Carroll County; born in
Westminster, April 9, 1918. Attended Westminster public schools; St.
James School, St. James; Donaldson School, Ilchester; Western Mary-
land College, A.B„ 1941; Harvard Graduate School of Business Ad-
ministration; University of Maryland Law School, LL.B., 1949. Ad-
mitted to the Maryland Bar, 1949. Served with the U. S. Army,
1942-46. Past Chairman, Carroll County Welfare Board. Member,
American and Maryland Bar Associations. President, Carroll County
Bar Association. Past president, Westminster Chamber of Commerce.
Past Commander, Carroll Post 31, American Legion. Member, V.F.W.;
Westminster Forest and Stream Club; Westminster Rifle and Gun
Club; University Club. Married. Member of the Senate since 1959.

H. WINSHIP WHEATLEY, JR„ Democrat, Prince George's County;
born in Washington, D. C., March 22, 1908. Attended Prince George's
County public schools; Georgetown University; National University
Law School. Member of the Maryland and District of Columbia Bars.
Served in U. S. Navy, World War II, 1941-46. Hyattsville City At-
torney, 1932-39. State's Attorney, Prince George's County, 1939-41.
Appointed Special Prosecutor, 1947. Vice-chairman, county chapter,
American Red Gross. Active in Veterans' organizations. Married.
Member of the Senate sincp 1955.


MURRAY ABRAMSON, Democrat, Baltimore 4th; born in Balti-
more, December 28, 1902. Attended Baltimore public schools. Execu-
tive Secretary, Rent Housing Commission. Past Business Analyst,
O.P.S. Business Agent, Amalgamated Clothing Workers. Staff mem-
ber, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Married. Member
of the House of Delegates since 1955.

JOSEPH A. ACKER, Democrat, Baltimore 3rd; born in Baltimore,
December 19, 1898. Attended St. James parochial school. Investigator
and adjuster. Member, panel of the War Labor Board, 1943-46. Mar-
ried. Member of the House of Delegates since 1951.

CAMILLO N. ANTONELLI, Democrat, Baltimore 2nd; born in
Baltimore, August 27, 1915. Attended Baltimore parochial and public
schools. Auto Assembly Utility. Member, Democratic State Central
Committee, 2nd Legislative District of Baltimore; Northeast Italian-


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Maryland Manual, 1959-60
Volume 168, Page 194   View pdf image (33K)
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