public schools; Graduate of University of Baltimore. Automobile
dealer and garage owner; boat yard and marine railway operator
and owner. Served overseas with the 79th Division during World
War 1; Captain, .Army Ordnance Department during World War II.
Former Alderman and twice elected Mayor of the City of Annapolis.
Married. Member of the Senate, 1939-43, and since 1951.
HARRY T. PHOEBUS, Republican, Somerset County; born in Oriole,
February 24, 1893. Attended Oriole public schools. Automobile dealer
and real estate broker. County Commissioner, Somerset County,
1921-26. County Treasurer, Somerset County, 1925. Commissioner of
Labor and Statistics, 1937. Married. Member of the House of Delegates,
1917-21. Member of the Senate, 1935-37, and since 1947. Minority
Leader since 1955.
JAMES A. PINE, Democrat, Baltimore County; born in Princeton,
W. Va„ August 12, 1912. Attended West Virginia public schools;
West Virginia University, B.S., 1938; Washington and Lee University;
University of Maryland Law School, LL.B., 1944. Admitted to the
Maryland Bar, 1944. Counsel, Baltimore County Board of County
Commissioners, 1960-51; Solicitor, Baltimore County, 1951-53. Trustee,
Calvary Baptist Church, Towson. Member, Elks; Lions; Masons;
Moose; Shrine. Married. Member of the Senate since 1959.
GEORGE BACON RASIN, JR., Democrat, Kent County; born in
Worton, May 28, 1917. Attended Kent County public schools; Wash-
ington College, A.B„ 1937; University of Maryland Law School, LL.B.,
1941. Served in the U. S. Army, 1941-43; U. S. Air Force, 1943-45;
discharged as Captain, 1945. Served with European Headquarters of
the U. S. Foreign Aid Program, 1950-52. State's Attorney, Kent
County, 1954-56. Member, American, Maryland, and Kent County Bar
Associations; Masons; Lions; American Legion. Member of the Senate
since 1956.i Chairman, Committee on Executive Nominations, 1959
JOHN L. SANFORD, JK„ Democrat, Worcester County; born in
Baltimore, November 13, 1910. Attended Mount Washington Seminary
and JR High School, Baltimore; Georgetown University; Wash-
ington College, A.B., 1932; University of Maryland Law School, LL.B.,
1935. Order of the Coif. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1935. State's
Attorney, Worcester County, 1951-55. Member, American and Maryland
Bar Associations. Married. Member of the Senate since 1959.
CHARLES M. SEE, Republican, Allegany County; born in Cumber-
land, May 12, 1902. Attended the Maryland School for the Blind,
Overlea; graduated 1924. Field Representative and Trustee, Maryland
Workshop for the Blind. President, Allegany-Garrett County Tubercu-
losis Association. Past president, Allegany-Garrett County Chapter
of Muscular Dystrophy Association of America. County Chairman of
the Governor's Committee for Employment of the Physically Handi-
capped. Member, Optimist Club; Elks; Eagles; Knights of Malta.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates, 1938-55. Member of the
Senate since 1955."
FRANK E. SHIPLEY, Democrat, Howard County; born in Savage,
October 9, 1890. Attended Howard County public schools; Western
Maryland College, A.B., 1911; University of Maryland Medical School,
M.D., 1915. Physician. Served in Medical Corps, U. S. Army, during
World War 1. Treasurer, Howard County, 1930-46; member and past
Appointed to the Senate, April 3, 1956, vice John R. Jewell, resigned.
Appointed to the Senate, May 10, 1955, vice Robert B. Kimble, resigned.