Bertram D. Moore, Training and Public Relations
E. R. Leitner, Accountant
Edward S. Digges, Special Assistant Attorney General
State Office Building Telephone: Colonial 3-2361
The Department of Tidewater Fisheries was established in 1941
as an affiliated department of the Board of Natural Resources. The
Department succeeded to the tidewater fisheries functions of the
former Conservation Department. The Department is headed by a
commission consisting of a Chairman and two associate members ap-
pointed by the Governor for six-year terms with overlapping tenure
of office. The Commission formulates basic Department policy, makes
regulations governing the crab fisheries and enters into compact with
the State of Virginia to enforce these regulations, subject to re-
view and approval by the Board of Natural Resources. The De-
partment is administering a three-part program for the conserva-
tion of the fisheries. First, it undertakes and encourages "farming"
for the purpose of conserving and increasing the oyster. Second,
it limits the number of commercial licenses issued each year for the
taking of fin-fish. Third, it cooperates with Virginia in a program
to conserve crabs. In addition, each of these industries—crabbing,
fin-fishing, and oystering—is subject to certain regulatory restric-
tions. To enforce these regulations, the Department maintains a
fleet of thirty-six patrol boats and one patrol plane (Code 1991, Art.
66C, secs. 6,12).
Appropriations 1957 1958
General Funds ...................$1,124,334 $1,232,296
Special Funds ................... 28,500 31,000
Federal Funds ................ 10,500 10,500
Totals .........................$1,163,334 $1,273,796
Staff: 143
Chairman: Royden A. Blunt, 1958
Vice-Chairman: George D. Walters, 1961
W. Desmond Walter, 1959; Dr. William B. Holton, 1960
Ernest A. Vaughn, Director
Harold Smith Kolmer, Assistant Director
George B. Shields, Chief Game Warden
Edwin M. Barry, Chief, Inland Fish Management
Chester M. Kerns, Chief, Game Management
Malcolm E. King, Public Relations Director
L. Maurice Amoss, Accountant
516 Munsey Building, Baltimore 2 Telephone: Saratoga 7-3064-7-3055
Region 1: Allegany, Garrett and Washington Counties
Joseph A. Minke, Regional Game Warden
Stanley H. Alexander, Wildlife Field Superintendent
Vacancy—Regional Fish Culturist
Region II: Carroll, Frederick, Howard and Montgomery Counties
Guy R. Garheart, Regional Game Warden
Lewis S. Rudasill, Wildlife Field Superintendent
Albert M. Powell, Superintendent of Hatcheries