Geology, Mines and Water Resources; Joseph F. Kaylor,
Director, Department of Forests and Parks; L. Eugene
Cronin, Director, Department of Research and Education.
Appointed by Governor:
Lester N. Towner, 1958; D. Raymond Snively, 1959;
Maurice T. Lusby, Jr., 1959; Charles S. Dell, Sr., 1960;
George W. Todd, 1960; John M. Nelson, Jr., 1961.
William H. Bayliff, Executive Secretary
100 College Avenue, Annapolis Telephone: Colonial 3-3405
In December, 1940, the natural resources of Maryland were ad-
ministered by nine separate conservation agencies. The General As-
sembly of 1941 consolidated these nine agencies into five equal De-
partments (Code 1951, Art. 66C, secs. 6-21), namely, Department of
Tidewater Fisheries, Department of Game and Inland Fish, Depart-
ment of Forests and Parks, Department of Geology, Mines, and
Water Resources, and Department of Research and Education. The
Bureau of Mines, formerly attached to the Department of Labor and
Statistics, was placed under the Department of Geology, Mines, and
Water Resources.
The same Act also created the Board of Natural Resources to
coordinate and integrate the activities of these departments (Code
1951, Art. 66C, secs. 1-5). The Board is composed of eight appointive
and five ex officio members. The appointive members hold office for
four-year terms and are designated by the Governor as follows: two
from the tidewater counties of the Eastern Shore, two from the
tidewater counties of the Western Shore, and four from the State
at-large. The ex officio members are the Chairman of the Commission
of Tidewater Fisheries and the directors of each of the four remaining
departments. The Chairman of the Commission of Tidewater Fish-
eries is appointed by the Governor and is designated by law as the
Chairman of the Board. Therefore, for all practical purposes, nine
Board members, including the Chairman, are temporary and are
appointed by the Governor. The remaining four are permanent di-
rectors of departments holding office under merit system tenure.
The Board was created to formulate broad general policies on con-
servation. It publishes an annual report covering the activities of
the five conservation departments; maintains the boundaries of the
State (Art. 66C, secs. 31-32); administers certain mineral resources
under the Chesapeake Bay (Art. 66C, secs. 22-30); administers arti-
ficial islands in Sinepuxent Bay (Art. 66C, sec. 33); and approves or
disapproves certain fishery regulations (Art. 66C, secs. 289 and 326).
Appropriations 1957 1958
General Funds .....................$17,829 $19,267
Staff: 3
The Commission
Chairman: John P. Tawes, 1961
Fred P. Glose, 1959; John R. Jewell, 1963
Dorothy W. Eaton, Secretary
Robert Lee Shores, Chief Fisheries Inspector
Homer C. Ringgold, Assistant to Chairman
John C. Widener, Engineer
William E. Muir, Seafood Auditor
Ralph C. Hammer, Shellfish Culturist